It’s the second week of the America’s Got Talent semi-finals, and I’m beginning to think the TPTB really want a variety act to win this year. The panel went on and on about how awesome
The America’s Got Talent results began with a total fake-out tonight. Future Funk, ArcAttack, Dan Sperry and Kristina Young took the stage first. Who made it through out of this group? NOBODY! SHOCKER. Next, it
The semi-final round of America’s Got Talent finally began this week. The first 12 acts performed tonight. For the most part, the acts were underwhelming. With the exception of Michael Grimm, who sang a self-assured
UPDATE: Moving on: Michael Grasso, Anna and Patryk, Connor Doran and the judges pick, Michael Lipari and Ashleigh Dejon. Next week the semi-final round begins: Future Funk, Kristina Young, Antonio Restivo, Christina & Ali,
Tonight’s America’s Got Talent You Tube auditions were a big fat fail. If it’s any indication of how American Idol’s My Space auditions are going to go next year, be very very afraid. The problem
Tonight’s America’s Got Talent contestants were even wackier than usual. You’ve got to check out Mary Ellen. Really, there are no words to describe her. She’s really awful, but she must be seen. She’s the
The third group of 12 semi-finalists performed on last night’s America’s Got Talent. A hip-hop dance troupe called Studio One closed out the night, and I have to say they were pretty good! The singers
Cheer SF – “For Your Entertainment Still hating the shamelessly corny and horrifying America’s Got Talent! How about you? Tonight was full of the usual sub-par and/or absurd acts. The only performer I enjoyed was
Constantine and the cast of Rock of Ages performed on the America’s Got Talent results show last night. Constantine will leave the Broadway production in August to embark on the National tour. Watch out for
Argh. I hate America’s Got Talent so much. The icky cloying sob stories, the stupid novelty acts, the Roman coliseum-like audience reactions. Blech. I’ve been watching it on and off this all season, but turned