American Idol season 11 alum, Colton Dixon, is more than a little disappointed that his sister was cut in Hollywood this season. After Schyler tweeted, very diplomatically, that she was cut on the first night in Hollywood:
Colton tweeted back, not so diplomatically:
When Idol fans responded to him, presumably with something like “Maybe her audition wasn’t good,” Colton answered.
Colton must have received some seriously negative feedback, because eventually he deleted both tweets. But honestly, how is it “rude” and in “poor taste” to cut a contestant? It’s a freaking reality show. Sh*t happens. And it’s not always fair. And anyway, from what I remember of Schyler, she was just an average singer. I get the whole “having your family’s back” deal. But calm down, skippy!
Colton and Schyler first auditioned for American Idol in Season 10. Schyler was cut in Hollywood. Colton was cut at the Top 40.
In Season 11 Colton “tagged along” with his sister to her audition and was “persuaded” to sing by the judges. They were sent to Hollywood together, but once again Schyler was cut in Hollywood, while Colton advanced all the way to the finals.