Hey Everyone :D
Welcome to Week 2 of Season seventeen of Dancing with the Stars. Tonight is our first “mega-show” of the season. Twelve routines, special performances and guests, and our first elimination all packed into the next two hours. This is will be our first chance at seeing how the show incorporates the performance night and results into one.
After last week’s great premiere, I am more excited than ever about this season. We have some fantastic celebrities this season. Even the so-so performers are at the very least, entertaining. The judges scored very high last week, even giving out a 27 to Amber & Derek. Can those who received high scores do just as well or go even higher? Or will it be a slide down this evening? Plus, can those middle of the pack and bottom couples raise their respective games? Sadly, by the end of the night, last week’s scores will factor into this week’s as well as the audience vote and we will lose the first couple of the season. But before that, it is time for Latin night!
The couples are tasked to perform either a Jive, Paso Doble, Rumba, or Samba. I love this theme because it always shows off the really talented dancers and exposes the weaknesses of others. Proper Latin ballroom style dancing is extremely difficult and I bet the judges are going to be looking very carefully tonight at all the couples. With an elimination on the line, it is time to get a little serious in the ballroom.
It should be a fun night, though, with lots of sexy routines and music that makes you want to get on your feet at home. Some other questions to be answered tonight… Will the popularity of Bill Nye and his comments that the judges hurt his feelings last week make his safety obvious despite any scores he may get? Could this mean a shocking elimination tonight? Will Brooke still annoyingly interrupt the dancers during rehearsals? (I kid). And will Bruno be able to keep his hands off of the celebrities sitting right next to him? LOLZ.
A big congratulations to our own Derek Hough for winning an EMMY last night for his choreography on the show. He was nominated twice and faced stiff competition from various SYTYCD choreographers. Congrats Mr. Hough.
*Note- concerning the voting, it seems text voting is OUT this year and audience participation is down to actual call-in votes, Facebook, and ABC.COM. I have reflected that change in the voting numbers below each couple’s score. I don’t know what happened but perhaps texting has become less popular when it comes to this show.
Elizabeth & Val (dancing the Samba)
Elizabeth starting off the night strong. Night samba steps here. Lots of hip shaking and fast steps and Elizabeth is hitting them. She is also into the dance performance-wise and that’s very important for a dance like the samba. Elizabeth is making this very fun to watch and she is a really solid dancer. The only thing, surprisingly, I would work on… is her acting just a bit. Get a tad more chemistry with Val and work on that acting and it will be aces. In terms of the dance technique, very good! Elizabeth is definitely a contender.
Len thought it was fantastic. He called it close. I am assuming he means…to perfection. He is all compliments. Bruno thinks he is coming down with scarlet fever. He can’t believe how much content was in it even though Elizabeth messed up a few passes. Val blames himself. Carrie Ann says Elizabeth is in her element.
Carrie Ann-8, Len-9, Bruno-8, for a total of 25/30
To VOTE for Elizabeth & Val, call 800-868-3405, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Christina & Mark (dancing the Paso Doble)
Wow. Mark has infused some great current choreography into this. I guess dancing to Lady Gaga’s “Applause” helps. This is one of my favorite paso doble routines I have seen on this show because Mark (who I am not usually found of because he mugs for the camera) has really done Christina justice by incorporating so much paso with stuff that we would see in a concert from dancers. I dig that. Christina was fierce when she needed to be, totally in-sync with Mark, and rearing to go from start to finish. Nice attitude throughout the dance as well. Great job!
Bruno loved how it was always a Paso with her own style. Bruno mentioned something was missed. Christina and Mark deny it. LOLZ. Carrie Ann called it insane. She loved it and said light and day from last week. She said she killed it. Len thought it was lovely and loved how it was contemporary but still a Paso. He thought it was terrific.
Carrie Ann-9, Len-8, Bruno-8, for a total of 25/30
To VOTE for Christina & Mark, call 800-868-3401, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Bill & Emma (dancing the Jive)
Like last week, surprisingly, Bill isn’t half bad. Of course, he isn’t amazing and we have seen about a thousand better Jive numbers on the show but I have give credit where it is due. Bill actually kept up with Emma with the Jive steps and he had some decent kicks and flicks. He is definitely into the dance as well. You have to appreciate that he is trying to bring the entertainment. I am definitely pleased by Bill’s determination and work because it shows. I don’t know if he will survive tonight’s elimination but he should be proud.
Carrie Ann said it was the most entertaining number of the night so far. She said the footwork was a little off. Len enjoyed the basic steps. He thoroughly enjoyed it despite Bill being double the age of these other folks. Bruno thought everything was thrown in but the kitchen sink and the performance value was incredible.
Carrie Ann-7, Len-7, Bruno-7, for a total of 21/30
To VOTE for Bill & Emma, call 800-868-3409, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Jack & Cheryl (dancing the Rumba)
Not a bad Rumba at all from Jack. In fact, I saw some very impressive steps in there. Jack was scared in his rehearsal package but it didn’t show here. Jack is totally in the dance with Cheryl. And it works! Jack has some hip action going, fluidity, and Cheryl has once again choreographed to his strength. The floor is filled with smoke so it is hard to concentrate totally on his feet but from what I can see here, they are correct. As surprising as it might be, Jack doesn’t seem at all stiff in this dance and the Rumba can come off that way if not done right. Another really impressive performance by Jack for the second week in a row.
Len thought it had great control and style. He loved the fluidity. But he mentions that Jack’s hands can be a bit bizarre. Bruno is shocked that Jack got all sensual and romantic. He is impressed by what Jack has done in two weeks. Carrie Ann feels as though she is transported to another time. She mentions it is like Game Of Thrones. What? LOLZ.
Carrie Ann-8, Len-8, Bruno-8, for a total of 24/30
To VOTE for Jack & Cheryl, call 800-868-3402, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Keyshawn & Sharna (dancing the Samba)
Oh Keyshawn. He has such a charming guy but he is lacking in the dance department. This is better than last week but Keyshawn is so awkward and sometimes stiff on the floor. He gets the moves done but it looks like so much work. When the dance is supposed to be fun and exciting, Keyshawn makes it seem like he is desperately trying to get through it. He needs more rehearsal to refine this. All the Samba stuff is there but he goes from being behind the music to trying to catch up. He almost lost Sharna at the end there. Yeah, better than a week ago but the weakest of the night so far.
Bruno said Keyshawn went for it all the way. He said Bruno got overwhelmed by the occasion. He wants Keyshawn to learn how to count music. Keyshawn and Bruno are going back and forth- in a good way. Carrie Ann feels he is still rough around the edges but better than last week. Len thought Keyshawn was working his assets and he improved from last week.
Carrie Ann-6, Len-6, Bruno-6, for a total of 18/30
To VOTE for Keyshawn & Sharna, call 800-868-3408, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Snooki & Sasha (dancing the Rumba)
Wow! Look at Snooki being all sensual. And it looks pretty good doing so. Snooki is doing a proper Rumba. Oops. A lift. Carrie Ann is going to go nuts. ANOTHER one. Damn. A lower score from Carrie Ann for sure. Snooki is trying her best here and she definitely has the Rumba tone down. She looks very into the performance. My real critique here is that Sasha has choreographed a rather simplistic Rumba. It doesn’t have a whole lot in it for Snooki to show off, so it can come off a tad boring. And we all know Snooki is anything but boring. For what it is, Snooki did a decent job. I wish the lifts didn’t happen because that automatically means a lower score.
Carrie Ann said Snooki did pretty pictures but she didn’t feel the story. Also, she saw lifts and so, points off. Len thought it was a pretty dance. Len thinks that is the problem- everything became too paced. Bruno still believes in Snooki’s potential. He wants her to learn to act the dance and the Rumba needs to continue and he agrees with Carrie Ann and Len.
Carrie Ann-6, Len-7, Bruno-7, for a total of 20/30
To VOTE for Snooki & Sasha, call 800-868-3412, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Leah & Tony (dancing the Samba)
Wow. The rehearsal package is showing that Leah believes the Church of Scientology is looking for her to fail. Damn. Burn. Woah. Look at Leah going crazy. She is totally taking control of the Samba. I love Tony’s choreography here because it is giving Leah a whole lot to work with. She is moving so well. Her hips are working, her posture and arms are good, and she is totally into it. Leah’s acting experience is coming in handy here. This is better than last week and make no mistake, a really strong Samba. Leah needs to continue believing she can do well on this show because she has the ability as evidenced here.
Len thought it was terrific. He loved the hands and hips and complimented the choreography. Bruno loved the flare. He loved how much Leah believed in herself tonight. Carrie Ann said Leah unleashed her Samba Goddess and she loved it.
Carrie Ann-8, Len-8, Bruno-8, for a total of 24/30
To VOTE for Leah & Tony, call 800-868-3411, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Bill Nye & Tyne (dancing the Paso Doble)
LOLZ. Bill is doing a hysterical Paso where he is like an insane piano player transformed into somewhat of a dancer when Tyne comes along. Okay, honesty time again. While better than last week, this is hardly a proper Paso Doble. Bill is using humor and I understand that he needs to rely on that but the dancing is so very awkward. I always feel like he might tip over and fall during his routines. If we were giving points for entertainment and facial expressions in a dance, he would get a very high score from me. But since it is about dancing and I need to be honest, this is the weakest of the night so far. Bill Nye just isn’t a very solid dancer. He is a solid entertainer. And for his fans, I have a feeling that is MORE than enough.
Bruno said Bill Nye stepped it up and actually had some Paso Doble there. Carrie Ann said Bill works with his assets but his feet need to be worked on. Len says that judging is not an exact science and feels he slightly underscored Bill last week. Len mentions that some of the technique needed was missing in the dance this week but he likes his commitment and the fact that he is part of this show.
Carrie Ann-6, Len-5, Bruno-6, for a total of 17/30
To VOTE for Bill Nye & Tyne, call 800-868-3404, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
INTERESTING. Len will be taking some time off every once in a while to judge the UK version of the show and we will have guest judges. One of them will be Julianne Hough who is in the audience talking to Len. Julianne is going to judge her brother? Hmm. That’s not a conflict of interest at all. LOLZ.
Corbin & Karina (dancing the Jive)
YES! YES! YES! This is a legit jive. Look at those kicks and flicks. Corbin has so much damned musicality. This is joyous to watch. Karina choreographed just about everything you would expect from the jive here. They are all over the dance floor. We have some tricks. We have big smiles. We have fun. Corbin is knocking the jive out of the park. Granted, his first two weeks in the competition have been rather easy on him (contemporary and Jive) but still, if he can transform himself into a proper ballroom dancer with tougher styles in the coming weeks, this kid is a lock to go very deep in the competition. Great routine!
Carrie Ann wants to see it again. She loves Corbin’s athleticism and musicality. She basically loved the whole thing. Len simply says, you can dance. It wasn’t a home run but definitely to third place. Bruno calls it a performance of dazzling brilliance. Corbin goes completely into character from his High School Musical days.
Carrie Ann-9, Len-8, Bruno-9, for a total of 26/30
To VOTE for Corbin & Karina, call 800-868-3406, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Valerie & Tristan (dancing the Paso Doble)
Valerie has some pain in her knee but she doesn’t care. Why care about that and rest it with what she has been through? Gosh, I love her attitude. Even Tristan is emotional in the rehearsal package. Okay, folks. No, I am not going to just simply sugarcoat it. Yes, Valerie lost the music for much of the routine. She is off and the Paso steps aren’t exactly right. They aren’t hard hitting or on point. On the positive side, I loved the opening Tristan choreographed with Valerie alone and I adore this lady’s commitment to the dancing. Put it this way, for all the contestants this show has had who have complained about the dancing, the rehearsal, the judges… Valerie is the exact opposite. She loves being on the show and is doing everything she and her body is capable of. And for that, I need to give her tremendous credit. Will she ever be amazing at dancing? No. But is she an amazing person? Yes. And like last week, I got a bit choked up, especially at Tristan and his reaction to dancing with Valerie. You go girl!
Len loved that the dance was started on her own. He liked the Spanish shaping. Len thinks it looked like Valerie wasn’t totally into it and felt a bit uncomfortable. Bruno loved how the dance was captured and compliments her shoulders. He mentions Valerie lost timing a few times but he is happy with how much she went for it. Carrie Ann finds it difficult to judge Valerie. She thought the beginning was fantastic but looked lost for about a third of the routine. She just wants to judge Valerie honestly.
Carrie Ann-6, Len-6, Bruno-7, for a total of 19/30
To VOTE for Valerie & Tristan, call 800-868-3410, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Brant & Peta (dancing the Rumba)
The word is sexy. That’s for sure. Brant and Peta might be one of the sexiest couples this show has seen in many seasons. Another very simplistic rumba here and Brant is doing the hip action as he is supposed to. Peta always choreographs sexy and it helps here but I think the judges may say that the routine was missing a bit content. I can’t say I disagree because as I said, very simplistic. But I think Brant has some of the best potential in the competition to be really solid if given the chance. So yes, this is definitely a heated dance and more importantly, an adequate rumba.
Bruno thought it was a good rumba but that Brant needs to work on his feet a bit. Carrie Ann loves the chemistry and thought Brant did very well for a male rumba parner. Len mentions that Brant has issues with his feet but since Peta’s leg went up and Brant’s jacket came off, the audience screamed. He thinks Brant needs work.
Carrie Ann-8, Len-7, Bruno-8, for a total of 23/30
To VOTE for Brant & Peta, call 800-868-3403, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Amber & Derek (dancing the Jive)
Amber was much better last week. She is still bringing it but this was a decline from her previous performance. The kicks and flicks aren’t as sharp as they should be. She went behind the music at a point and Derek is trying his very best to bring her up to speed. The jive is obviously a difficult dance for Amber. Her personality shines through and makes this work though. It just makes you smile to see Amber dance. She just set the bar so high last week that this was tough to see because it was an obvious step down. Still a front runner though!
Carrie Ann says Amber continues to wow us but this was a bit flat footed. Len says Amber is a bundle of joy but work on the footwork. Bruno says talent and performance value is great but the foot work definitely needs work. They are rushing through the comments because we need to get to the results.
Carrie Ann-8, Len-8, Bruno-8, for a total of 24/30
To VOTE for Amber & Derek, call 800-868-3407, or use ABC.COM and/or Facebook. 12 votes per method allowed this week.
Week 2 Judges’ Leaderboard:
Corbin & Karina- 26/30
Elizabeth & Val- 25/30
Christina & Mark- 25/30
Leah & Tony- 24/30
Amber & Derek- 24/30
Jack & Cheryl- 24/30
Brant & Peta- 23/30
Bill & Emma- 21/30
Snooki & Sasha- 20/30
Valerie & Tristan- 19/30
Keyshawn & Sharna- 18/30
Bill Nye & Tyne- 17/30
– Corbin And Karina are safe.
– Leah And Tony are safe.
– Bill Nye And Tyne are safe. – No shock. LOLZ.
– Christina And Mark are safe.
– Amber And Derek are safe.
– Valerie And Tristan are safe.
– Snooki And Sasha are safe.
– Jack And Cheryl are safe.
– Brant And Peta are safe.
I can’t imagine Elizabeth is anything but safe. This is going to come down to Keyshawn and Bill E, which was a rather obvious result based on last week. And it could be a real toss up as to who goes.
– Elizabeth And Val are safe.
Not necessarily the bottom two (though one obviously is), this is the final two couples standing tonight. And the first couple to exit the show in this second week is…
Welp, there goes our football player of the season. Bill needs to obviously work because he could potentially goes next. I think Elizabeth was placed in “danger” to get votes. Maybe she doesn’t have as much support as we thought?
And with that, we bid adios to Latin week.
A new post is just minutes away from going up with some POLLS for you guys to vote on. I hope you once again enjoyed watching along with me and plan on coming back again next Monday Night. You guys are fabulous!