Dancing With The Stars is back, and it’s been quite the wild ride getting here with cast rumors, a short-lived dropout, and the potential postponement of tonight’s premiere!
After Matt Walsh dropped out of the competition last week in support of the writer’s strike – presumably leaving his pro partner Koko Iwasaki hanging – rumors swirled of the possible postponement of the season premiere. But as of Sunday night, the strike is over and Walsh is making his way back to the ballroom!
This season also brings a few changes to the show, starting with it being back on ABC after last season was solely aired on Disney+. Season 32 also sees host Alfonso Ribero with a new co-host after the show finally realized no one could stand she who shall not be named, and brought in two-time winner and former DWTS judge Julianne Hough to co-host alongside the Season 19 winner.
And lastly, Season 32 will be the show’s first season back since the passing of legacy judge Len Goodman earlier this year. It was recently announced that the show decided to rename its coveted prize to “The Len Goodman Mirrorball Trophy” in his honor as a way of making him a permanent part of the show.
Like last season, tonight’s premiere WILL end with the first elimination. Vote live during the show at dwtsvote.abc.com.
The season premieres with the pros hitting the floor for a group number, then introduces Alfonso and Julianne as the new hosts.
Xochitl and Val – Cha Cha – “Peanut Butter Jelly”
I knew the second I saw the pairing that Xochitl would be good, and Val always does well with younger partners. Your basic Cha Cha steps, but this was really impressive for the first night.
Carrie Ann says she has the ‘it’ factor, but critiques a moment she lost her timing. Derek says it was a great way to start the show and that she has beautiful, long limbs, but they need a bit more control. Bruno says she has a natural attitude for performing, but critiques her lack of hip action.
Carrie Ann- 6, Derek- 6, Bruno- 6 = 18/30
Barry and Peta – Foxtrot – “It’s A Sunshine Day”
Ok, I know there’s a stigma against older contestants, but once again, this performance impressed me. No, it wasn’t technically perfect, but Barry really is full of energy and did especially well with the solo bits of this classic Foxtrot. And pulling a flower from his jacket for Peta was a super cute touch.
Derek admits he’s in shock and says it was effortless and it warmed his heart. Bruno said it made him look good and feel good and he danced it like the perfect gentleman despite some frame issues. Carrie Ann says she’s thoroughly impressed and she compliments his form, posture and fluidity despite a few tiny mistakes.
Carrie Ann- 6, Derek- 5, Bruno- 5 = 16/30
Tyson and Jenna – Cha Cha – “Never Too Much”
Tyson’s got a smile to kill, but he’s definitely got a long way to go in the ballroom. Jenna is an excellent pro, but Tyson lacked technique throughout the entire performance minus that random split. It was hard to watch from a professional standpoint, not gonna lie.
Bruno flirts a bunch before he critiques the entire performance from steps to timing. Carrie Ann tells him to embrace the competition and compliments his commitment. Derek tells him he’ll get better and compliments the split.
Anyone have any idea why Jenna just jumped onto Alfonso? No? Okay.
Carrie Ann- 4, Derek- 4, Bruno- 4 = 12/30
Alyson and Sasha – Salsa – “Never Gonna Not Dance Again”
I love AH so much but I figured she wouldn’t be 10-worthy. Again, lacking the technique and Latin motion necessary for a Salsa, it felt like Sasha was doing all the work, and what were those strange solo moments of smiling and waving her hands? Gorgeous dress though.
Carrie Ann says she’s proud of her for dancing on live TV and tells her it’s time to work on the hard parts of dancing. Derek says he loved watching her joy and freedom, her facial expressions were a 10, but her dancing needs some work. Bruno says it was like watching a teenager dancing alone in their bedroom, then critiques her lack of timing.
Carrie Ann- 5, Derek- 4, Bruno- 4 = 13/30
Harry and Ryley – Cha Cha – “Rock Your Body”
How many times do I have to report that someone didn’t do well tonight? Ugh. No Latin motion, no technique, several moments of Harry just standing there while Ryley did the actual dancing. I know it’s Week 1 but come on!
Derek welcomes Ryley to the show and then says the ending was powerful, but the dance was scary (LOL) and needs some work. Bruno says “when in doubt, get your chest out” and he has to work on his technique. Carrie Ann says this show is about someone starting as a beginner and ending as someone who can dance, and that’s where he’s headed.
Carrie Ann- 4, Derek- 4, Bruno- 4 = 12/30
Jason and Daniella – Cha Cha – “I Feel Like Dancing”
I knew Jason would be great!! Finally, someone I don’t have to write negatively about! Perfect song to debut with, so impressed by Jason’s arms and frame on WEEK 1. It also shows what a great teacher Daniella is (who could forget her well-deserved win with Iman?). And him spinning on the floor rather than Daniella was perfect.
Bruno asks why Jason kept his hidden talent everyone and says he got the technique correct! Carrie Ann calls it the best dance of the night and says she can’t wait to see this on tour! Derek stands with the slow clap and says it was spot on in every aspect.
Carrie Ann- 7, Derek- 7, Bruno- 7 = 21/30
Jamie Lynn and Alan – Tango – “Don’t Call Me Up”
Regardless of what anyone thinks of her, this dance wasn’t bad. It wasn’t perfect, but for the first week, Alan really pushed her with the steps and she succeeded as someone new to ballroom dancing.
Carrie Ann calls her beautiful and tells her not to use force going forward. Derek says he thinks she’s better than she thinks she is. Bruno says there were a lot of mistakes, but an ambitious routine.
Carrie Ann- 5, Derek- 5, Bruno- 5 = 15/30
Adrian and Britt – Salsa – “Yeah!”
Nothing about this felt like a Sasla to me, but Adrian was better than I expected. It almost felt more like a Hip Hop routine with how hard each step was on both their parts.
Derek compliments the opening lift but says there wasn’t enough rhythm. Bruno says he loves that he went for it with total commitment despite a few footwork mishaps. Carrie Ann says he has swagger but critiques his footwork.
Carrie Ann- 6, Derek- 6, Bruno- 6 = 18/30
Lele and Brandom – Tango – “El tango de Roxeanne”
Lele proved she can dance, now she needs to work on technique. She looked like she was trying a little too hard to perfect her frame. It was a simple but classic Tango on Brandon’s part.
Bruno says he loved the way she attacked it, but critiques her turns. Carrie Ann says she’s powerful on the dance floor and then Lele reveals she broke a nail while dancing. Derek says it was sharp, strong and powerful and he loved it.
Carrie Ann- 6, Derek- 7, Bruno- 6 = 19/30
Mira and Gleb – Cha Cha – “Kiss”
I expected more. Quite a few mishaps and absolutely no rhythm. Mira looked so stiff the entire time. I can tell she’ll improve in the coming weeks, but ths dance almost looked robotic.
Carrie Ann says all she could think was that Len would’ve loved it and says there was a rough start but then she came back. Derek calls it a breath of fresh air (what dance was he watching??). Bruno says she’s got it and not to doubt herself.
Carrie Ann- 6, Derek- 5, Bruno- 6= 17/30
Mauricio and Emma – Jive – “I Ain’t Worried”
Such a fun Jive routine. He’s got a lot to improve on, but Jive on the first week isn’t an easy task and he did pretty well considering.
Derek said it reminded him of his dad dancing at his wedding because his dad was rippin’ it (LOL) and it was a great first dance. Bruno says he knows how to sell things, but critiques his kicks and flicks. Carrie Ann says she’s impressed because this wasn’t what she expected from him.
Carrie Ann- 5, Derek- 5, Bruno- 5 = 15/30
Charity and Artem – Tango – “Only Girl (In The World)”
Charity nailed this dance, so much better than I expected. It had all your typical Tango steps and she perfected every one. The giant bouquette of red balloons wasn’t even necessary to make this a reat performance.
Bruno calls it a “Tango stunner” and says the execution was superb for Week 1. Carrie Ann says it was incredible and questions what week it is. Derek says it was exquisite.
Carrie Ann- 7, Derek- 7, Bruno- 8 = 22/30
Matt and Koko – Cha Cha – “Poison”
I don’t know how I feel about this one. lol Somehow, it wasn’t the worst of the night, but it clearly wasn’t the best. But Matt was just really enjoyable to watch, and looks like he’s got a great partnership with Koko. I, for one, would love to see more from him, not gonna lie.
Carrie Ann calls the dance different and says he gave us a good time despite there being a lot of work to do. Derek says he was mesmerized and almost forgot to watch the dance. Bruno says it was surreal and entertaining.
Carrie Ann- 4, Derek- 4, Bruno- 4 = 12/30
Ariana and Pasha – Tango – “Love Myself”
Not sure what that solo breakdown was in the middle of the dance, but wow! I was not expecting that. She killed it, great lines and arms. She moved so well across the floor with Pasha, and love their gorgeous red outfits!
Derek calls it fantastic and killer. Bruno says it was red hot. Carrie Ann says she turned it up and showed everyone how you handle a cheater.
Carrie Ann- 7, Derek- 7, Bruno- 7 = 21/30
The bottom two are… Mauricio and Emma and Matt and Koko.
The couple going home is… Matt and Koko.
Sounds fixed but okay… I’ll see you back here next Tuesday for Latin Night!