David Archuleta: “We Need to Find You a Good Girl” Church Said

David Archuleta Faith Crisis Good Morning America

David Archuleta came out as LGBT in June 2021 and since then, the American Idol season 7 runner-up has shared his journey of self-discovery with fans. Over the months, as David came to wholeheartedly accept his attraction to men, he seemed stronger and more at peace than ever before.

But now that he’s reached self-acceptance as a gay man, the singer seems to be entering a faith crisis. David was raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormons. His faith has meant everything to him. But after realizing that the church won’t accept him living his life as a queer man, he has said he’s stepping away from his faith. He recently shared about his faith struggle with Jennifer Hudson on her talk show. He also spoke to People magazine about stepping away from Mormonism for his own “sanity.”

Now, in a new interview with Good Morning America, David describes the meeting he had with a church Apostle last fall that convinced him to separated himself from Mormonism at the beginning of this year.

A Mormon Apostle during a meeting said “we just need to find you a good girl”

“I’ve had a faith crisis this year,” David shared. “So now I’m like, I’ve had to deconstruct everything.” After his meeting with the Mormon elder, David decided that he was done with what he says are contradictions in the faith.

David Archuleta Shares About His Struggle to Come Out LGBTQ

“I think three times in that conversation he said well we just need to find you a good girl. Maybe you can find a good girl,” an incredulous David revealed. “And I’m like, that’s not the solution and I said, can you see why I’m thinking so much? Because I’m trying everything I can to find a way to still belong here, because this has meant so much to me.”

During a portion of the interview, which took place outside of a Mormon Temple in Utah, David was immediately approached by Mormon fans who wanted autographs and pictures. It illustrates why the church wants so badly to reel David back in to following the church’s strict interpretation of relationships–between a man and a woman only.

David had a boyfriend, broke up, and now hopes to marry a man some day

David insists the problems are with the “church structure” rather than the people in the church. “The people have been amazing,” he said.

In the past year, David actually met a boyfriend, but the two eventually broke up. He’s dating again and makes clear that he sees himself marrying a man some day. At one point, he viewed his attraction to men as Satan trying to “take over my soul,” which is why he once contemplated suicide.

David describes the church’s passive-aggressive and stern stance toward LGBT

“My church was an outright aggressive towards gay people, but it’s a very passive-aggressive stern stance that they have about it.” He further described the church’s attitude as a “rejection.” The Apostles want to keep meeting with David, the met with him on Thursday. Regardless David is not going to keep trying to become something he’s not, and that sometimes the healthiest thing a person can do is to walk away.

It has to be the church’s worst nightmare–their poster boy turns against them (for his own well being!) And he’s so popular, he could influence other LGBTQ church members to do the same (not a bad thing!). At some point, will the Mormon church push back against David’s criticisms?

About mj santilli 35174 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!