Tomorrow’s Glee, titled “New Directions” is the second part of the musical comedy’s 100th episode celebration. In it, April Rhodes (Kristin Chenoweth) and Holly Holliday (Gwyneth Paltrow) are back at McKinley hoping to save the Glee club’s demise at the hands of Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) and her budget cuts.
The entire cast join together to celebrate their mentor and club director, Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison), which does not preclude plenty of drama between kids.
Glee Season 5 – Listen to ALL Seven Songs from this Week’s “New Directions”
In a new preview, Chris Colfer reveals that Kurt and Mercedes (Amber Riley) join forces to sing “I Am Changing” from Dreamgirls as a way to inspire Rachel (Lea Michele) and Santana (Naya Rivera) to mend their friendship.
Also, the entire gang performed a huge 80’s disco number (“Party all the Time”) with Gwyneth Paltrow at an actual club.
Plus, there’s a glimpse of Mark Salling (Puck) and Dianna Agron (Quinn) singing “Just Give Me A Reason” as they rekindle an old relationship.
Watch below