Glee Season 4 Spoilers: Don’t Stop Believing Redux!

In our last round of Glee spoilers last week, we told you that Rachel (Lea Michele) would be auditioning for Funny Girl in NYC with a very special song–“Don’t Stop Believing”–the very first song New Directions performed together back in the pilot. You remember that iconic performance, don’t you?

If that’s not super-special-crazy enough for you, Lea Michele began dropping hints last week via twitter that something big was afoot. She tweeted a photo of Cory Monteith playing drums in a very familiar orange shirt. And she tweeted some spoilery hints indicating that a big New Directions original flavah reunion was about to take place. “Shooting #Glee now with @chriscolfer @CoryMonteith @druidDUDE @MsAmberPRiley and @JennaUshkowitz! #Orginals,” she tweeted, “Such a fun day at work today.. Brought back so many amazing memories… :)”

See More:

Glee Season 4 Spoilers: More on Eps 18 and 19! Rachel’s Audition Song!
Glee Season 4 Spoilers – Rachel’s Mom Returns? Plus More on Eps 18 and 19

If you suspected, like I did, that Kurt (Chris Colfer), Rachel (Lea Michele), Mercedes (Amber Riley), Finn (Cory Monteith), Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz) and Artie (Kevin McHale) would be recreating the original and series-defining  “Don’t Stop Believing” from the pilot, you would have been absolutely correct!

UPDATE:  When Rachel sings “Don’t Stop Believing” at her Funny Girl audition, the rest of original New Directions appear in her imagination to support her. The arrangement is a bit different, but the number is staged EXACTLY the same.  By the end of the audition, she realizes that Finn is the one who has always been in her corner. Finchel is forever!

Glee co-creator,  Ryan Murphy tweeted photos from the set, revealing the surprise:

Yep. Look how much the gang has changed! Especially Chris Colfer. He’s literally grown up right before our eyes…

I’m hoping “Don’t Stop Believing” redux plays out like a total love letter to the fans of the show who have been watching faithfully from the beginning. The idea is corny and indulgent…and I can’t wait. Heh.

About mj santilli 35175 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!