Is Adam Lambert Mentoring the Idols Next Week? (UPDATE: Yes, He Is!)

3rd Update: Adam tweets: “It’s true! In addition to performing on Idol April 14th, I will be mentoring the top 8 on the 13th. I feel honored to be asked.  Tweet 2: Even though I’m just at the start of my recording career, I hope to lend some insight as one who’s been thru the Idol adventure. excited!! Tweet 3:  Don’t worry America: I will be beyond family friendly. Relax and enjoy. For Your Entertainment.”

2nd Update: EW confirms it–Adam will be mentoring the Idols next week.  Read it HERE. Adam will mentor the contestants on Tuesday, and is set to perform “Whataya Want From Me” on Wednesday.

UPDATE: EW has learned that the Adam Lambert mentor rumors are probably true. “It’s a strong possibility, ” said EW’s source. Read more HERE.

A self-described “radio guy” out of Iowa, named Jeremy is claiming to have inside sources at Sony who tell him that Adam Lambert will be mentoring the Top 8 contestants next week on Idol.

He revealed the news yesterday afternoon through twitter, where he goes by @Iowaradioguy.

Twitter kinda exploded after he tweeted “Another reason Idol has jumped the shark: Next week’s mentor – Adam Lambert. HE IS NOT A LEGITIMATE ARTIST! Idol, you MEGA Fail.”

Naturally, he received a lot of angry tweets in return, and a demand for proof. He claimed to have deleted the email received, but then magically dug it up this morning, tweeting out a photocopy.

Check it out after the jump.

I don’t know what to think, really. I’m not sure why a guy who seems to have a good reputation, would lie and lie and lie, but then hey, it’s the internet. I’ve learned never to trust what I read without at least a couple of sources.

It’s all very entertaining, at the very least. We’ll find out soon enough, if it’s true…

About mj santilli 34964 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!