Jennifer Lopez Confetti Bombed By A Clown (Photos)

Jennifer Lopez was attacked, yesterday, at LAX, by a confetti wielding clown who appears to have also been responsible for the 2014 confetti-bombing of Khloé Kardashian.

Maybe he was celebrating Jlo’s new bob haircut, or liked her fashionable crop top. Or, he probably was just behaving like an attention whore. (My money’s on the latter).

There are more photos at E Online, which remarked that “she didn’t look too fazed. But she didn’t look particularly thrilled either.” If you want a run down on her outfit, E Online has more on that too.

Clown dude couldn’t wait to brag on Instagram as you can see below. Congratulations?

I confettied J Lo at the L.A.X airport . E! news exclusive ….. I’m back baby !!!!! Clown Power !!!

A photo posted by Love Light Energy (@richiethebarber) on

About mj santilli 35173 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!