Job Opening: Looking For a DWTS Recapper to Begin MONDAY

It’s short notice, but I am looking for a recapper that can live blog Dancing with The Stars. Ideally, the candidate would begin on Monday September 20 when the show begins, but I can be flexible.

What I’m looking for is a fan who watches the show and has at least a basic understanding of ballroom dance, and dance styles. This position would be ideal for a student. There is a stipend that comes along with the position, but it’s more or less an entry level gig.

Also, you need access to a television. Ideally, a set up with a DVR that allows you to pause, rewind, fast forward the program, etcetera. The action can pretty fast during a live blog. When I cover The Voice and American Idol, I often find myself falling a bit behind to catch all the details, But I can usually catch up during commercials.

Also, experience with WordPress is a PLUS but not necessary. I’ll be creating the posts for you. All you’ll need to do is log in and write. Beforehand, I’ll go over how to live blog a tv show effectively, WordPress stuff, and will answer any questions you may have.

Please contact me: DM me on Twitter @mjsbigblog or contact me via email at

About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!