Larry King has officially announced on his website that he will be ending CNN’s Larry King Live this fall.
King will continue to host specials for CNN on on “major national and international subjects.”
Larry King Live had a rating slide of 37% between the 2nd quarter of 2009 and the same period 2010.
According to the Associated Press, King has said if it was up to him, Ryan Seacrest would be the best choice to fill his shoes.
There’s been speculation that King would be leaving for several months now, with America’s Got Talent’s Piers Morgan and CBS News Anchor, Katie Couric floated as possible replacements.
Personally, I think CNN will hire an interviewer with more gravitas, able to handle hard news interviews with domestic and international movers and shakers…
- Read More: Hollywood Reporter, LA Times, Associated Press, Reality Blurred
Read King’s statement after the jump.
Before I start the show tonight, I want to share some personal news with you. 25 years ago, I sat across this table from New York Governor Mario Cuomo for the first broadcast of Larry King Live.
Now, decades later, I talked to the guys here at CNN and I told them I would like to end Larry King Live, the nightly show, this fall and CNN has graciously accepted, giving me more time for my wife and I to get to the kids’ little league games.
I’ll still be a part of the CNN family, hosting several Larry King specials on major national and international subjects.
I’m incredibly proud that we recently made the Guinness Book of World Records for having the longest running show with the same host in the same time slot. With this chapter closing I’m looking forward to the future and what my next chapter will bring, but for now it’s time to hang up my nightly suspenders.