Mayyas Are AGT’s First Arab/Lebanese Dance Crew and Sofia Vergara’s Golden Buzzer
Mayyas won Arab’s Got Talent in 2019
Mayyas are familiar faces in the Got Talent competition scene. They appeared on Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions and also won Arab’s Got Talent in 2019.
In their package, one dancer shares that she grew up with the choreographer, Nadim Cherfan who started the Mayyas to bring dance to Lebanon. Nadim states that Lebanon isn’t a place to make a career in dance, especially for women. Mayyas provides a safe space for the women to dance. He reveals that Simon Cowell’s Golden Buzzer act from last season, the late Nightbirde, inspired them to audition.
He repeats Nightbirde’s memorable quote, “You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.” Nightbirde’s audition aired over a year ago and was an inspiration to many.
Mayyas means “the proud walk of the lioness”
The group explains that Mayyas means, “the proud walk of lioness.” They aim to prove what Arab women can do on the biggest stage in the world. They warn the judges that they plan to hypnotize them. From the very start, the act is hypnotizing and mesmerizing. The way they synchronize the movements of their hands and employ props is refreshing and unique. They even create sophisticated shapes with their hands/bodies.
Other dance acts use similar hand choreography, but the way Mayyas performs is next-level and a full-on experience. I’m not a dance expert but have learned a fair share from watching shows. My only piece of advice is for them to make sure their footwork is on point all the way through. At times, they seemed a bit off. Their tricks are so cool, however, they may get away with weak footwork.
Eventually, the crowd and judges are on their feet after seeing this amazing audition as Nightbirde’s “It’s Ok” plays in the background. Sofia Vergara says, “There are no words to explain what we are feeling over here” and goes on to say it was “the most beautiful, creative dancing” she’s ever seen. Howie Mandel was “hypnotized” by the “timing” and “perfection” of what they did. Heidi Klum thanked them for the “glimpse of culture” they gave us. Simon says they “will make a difference” and calls it “the best dance act we are likely to have seen.”
Sofia Vergara hits the Golden Buzzer
Sofia interrupts voting saying she “would be honored to empower you more because you deserve it” before hitting the golden buzzer. She joins the dancers on stage as the crowd goes wild. The dancers say their performance was to “represent what Arab, Lebanese women are capable of.”
Overall, my favorites of the night other than Mayyas were viral singer Kristen Cruz, Australia’s Got Talent winner Kristy Sellars, and comedian Lace Larrabee. Honorable mentions go to Kieran Rhodes and The Glamour Aussies.