Survivor Season 47 Week 3 Recap and Live Blog

A new episode of Survivor 47 airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.

Lavo returns to camp after voting out Aysha at tribal council. Sol was blindsided. He knows he is at the bottom of the tribe. Teeny apologizes to Sol for voting for him. She says she will explain why she voted for him later. She couldn’t vote for Aysha due to the personal connection she built with her. In her confessional, Teeny admits she needs to learn how to balance the strategic and human elements of the game. In his confessional, Rome says tribal council went exactly how he wanted it to go. He says the game is going perfectly for him. He’s confident Sol will be the next person voted out of the Lavo tribe.

The next morning on the Gata tribe, Sam says he and Sierra are sitting in the middle of the tribe. They can side with Rachel and Anika, or they can flip and bring in Andy. However, Sierra is worried other people see that she and Sam are a tight alliance. When Anika went on the Journey, she shared how the other tribes were speculating Sam and Sierra are a showmance. Both Sam and Sierra are engaged to people back home, so they adamantly deny this. Later, Sierra talks with Anika and Rachel. Anika says the girls are the powerhouses of the tribe. They name their alliance the Breadwinners.

Meanwhile on the Tuku tribe, Gabe is feeling confident about his alliance with Sue. His plan was to align with an older woman, so he sought out Sue right away. In her confessional, Sue says she knows people are underestimating her. They don’t know she’s 59-years-old. She lies and claims she’s 45. She also doesn’t share that she’s a pilot. Later, Sue finds a Beware advantage. She must chop a vine that will release her hidden immunity idol. Sue releases the idol, which falls down and splatters red paint all over the ground. Sue collects her idol and tries to hide the red paint. A short time later, Tiyana and Caroline come by the well and find her. They ask if Sue injured herself. The red paint on her chin and arms look like blood. Sue tries to come up with a story about hurting herself with the machete, but Tiyana is suspicious.

Back at the Lavo tribe, Rome tells Sol to stop looking for a hidden immunity idol. He even follows Sol everywhere, not allowing him to have a moment to himself. Kishan likes the chaos. He believes he benefits from Sol and Rome’s feud. Sol vents his frustration to Genevieve when he can finally be away from Rome. Genevieve wants to nurture a relationship with Sol since Rome is ruffling feathers.

At the Gata tribe, Andy lost his Shot in the Dark. Sierra is unsure if she wants to work with Andy moving forward. She knows Sam wants to work with Andy, but Sierra calls Andy a sloppy player. Sierra still tries to build trust with Andy, and she shares with him the Breadwinners alliance name. Later, after Andy found his lost Shot in the Dark, he shares with Sam what Sierra told him. Sam is bothered Sierra didn’t bring this information to him first. Sam and Sierra talk, and the exchange gets slightly tense as Sierra gets defensive. In her confessional, Sierra says she and Sam might need alliance counseling since they’re bickering like an old married couple.

It’s time for the immunity challenge. They must roll a metal cube and retrieve bags. They must then build a frame from the pieces inside the bags and toss sand bags through the frames. Afterwards, they must dig up keys to build a fire puzzle. The winning tribe will win three hens. The tribe to finish second will win six eggs.

The challenge begins. Lavo takes the lead thanks to Sol’s success throwing the sandbags. Gata and Tuku are behind, but they eventually catch up. Soon, Lavo falls behind at the puzzle. Gata and Tuku speed through their puzzle, but Rome is unable to place a single piece on the puzzle. Rome refuses to switch out with someone else. Eventually, Gata wins immunity! Lavo still has no pieces in place by the time Tuku completes the puzzle. Tuku wins immunity! Lavo will go to tribal council tonight. There will also be a Journey today. Gata will decide who goes. Andy, Teeny, and Caroline will go on the Journey.

The Gata tribe returns to camp after the challenge. They discuss maybe killing the chickens to eat them, but Sierra doesn’t want to kill the chickens. She would rather wait for them to keep laying eggs. Sam really wants to eat at least one of them, but he doesn’t push further.

Meanwhile, Lavo returns to camp. Rome trusts his alliance and is confident Sol will be voted out tonight. Kishan suggests telling Sol they will vote out Genevieve tonight to make Sol feel comfortable. Rome wants to strong-arm Sol into giving away his Shot in the Dark instead. Rome talks to Sol, and he tells him to give him his Shot in the Dark. If he doesn’t, then he will steal his vote with his Steal-a-Vote advantage. Sol calls out Rome for threatening him. He’s annoyed with Rome, and he tells Rome he won’t give away his Shot in the Dark. Kishan wants to shift the vote to Rome. Rome wants to always be in control, and Kishan doesn’t think he can trust Rome down the line. He shares this plan with Genevieve. Even if Teeny loses her vote, they should have enough numbers to vote out Rome.

At the Journey, Andy, Caroline, and Teeny are presented with a dilemma. One person must give up his or her vote. If not, then all three of them will lose their vote at their next tribal council. Teeny volunteers. She loses her vote, but the three of them have earned an amulet. The amulet can be played together as a hidden immunity idol. However, the amulet will have the power of a full idol if the other two pieces are out of the game. The three of them agree to work together and protect one another.

Andy, Caroline, and Teeny return to their respective tribes. They all tell the truth about the amulets. Teeny also admits she lost her vote. Teeny also is clued in on the plan to blindside Rome. The plan seems set, but Rome lets Genevieve know that Kishan threw out her name as the decoy. Genevieve now wants to shift the target to Kishan. She calls Kishan a dangerous player, and she gives Rome a heads up about the plan to blindside him tonight. In order to vote out Kishan, they need Sol’s vote. Genevieve talks to Sol, but Sol refuses to work with Rome. Rome joins their conversation, and he apologizes to Sol. Sol still has no interest working with Rome. Genevieve wants to take a shot at Kishan, but she doesn’t know if the numbers are there tonight. Kishan feels comfortable and is looking forward to tonight.

It’s time for tribal council. Rome admits he failed miserably at the challenge. Sol says the tribe was chaotic after the challenge. He also tells Jeff that Rome threatened him with his Steal-a-Vote advantage. Sol didn’t appreciate that from Rome. He didn’t like the threat, so he is not giving him his Shot in the Dark. Rome admits he didn’t approach Sol respectfully and he apologized. Teeny hopes it goes well with the people she put trust in. Genevieve notes three people have a lot of power tonight. Kishan says they must trust in their conversations and the plans put in place. Sol says he will play his Shot in the Dark tonight. Rome says it will be his decision at the end of the day whether or not he will steal his vote. Genevieve says this vote is crucial for the success of her game moving forward. Before the vote, Rome steals Kishan’s vote. Kishan, Teeny, and Sol all look stunned. Afterwards, it’s time for the vote.

The first vote is for…




Kishan is the fourth person voted out of Survivor 47. Kishan tells Genevieve he trusted her before he walks over to get his torch snuffed. Teeny asks Genevieve the reason, and she says she’ll tell her later.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor 47. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 566 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.