Survivor Season 47 Week 5 Recap and Live Blog

A new episode of Survivor airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.

The episode begins with Lavo returning to camp. Teeny was blindsided by Kishan’s elimination. She says she was bamboozled, betrayed, and humbled. Genevieve says Kishan could become a threat down the line, so she feels good about her move. She thinks she’s in a good spot. Rome was displeased to find out Kishan and Teeny were against him. He’s glad that Kishan is gone and Teeny is on the outs of the tribe.

It’s time for the reward challenge. Jeff teases they’re introducing a new twist: Survivor Social Hour. They will be randomly divided into two teams. The winning team will barbecue hot dogs and play corn hole. For the challenge, they must go under an obstacle and untie bags. Then they must retrieve three keys to unlock a ladder. Afterwards, they will use the ladder to retrieve bags of balls. Lastly, they must toss balls into five baskets. The first team to land five balls will win reward.

They draw rocks to determine the two teams:

Blue Team – Anika, Sol, Rome, Gabe, Andy, Sierra, and Genevieve

Yellow Team – Sue, Kyle, Teeny, Sam, Rachel, Tiyana, and Caroline

The challenge begins. Blue takes the early lead, but Yellow gets ahead while retrieving the ladder. Yellow stays in the lead, but it gets closer when both teams are tossing their balls into the baskets. Eventually, Yellow lands all their baskets first. Yellow wins reward!

At the reward, Teeny lets them know what happened at the last tribal council. Sue tells Sam she heard he and Sierra are running the Gata tribe. Tiyana also throws Gabe under the bus to everyone; she says he’s hunting for idols. Sue is unhappy that Tiyana is revealing all this information. Later, Caroline tells Rachel and Teeny she trusts Sue the most.

Back at the Lavo camp, Rome says this is his worst day so far. He really wanted to go on that reward. Later, Rome wants to put a target on Teeny. He throws Teeny under the bus to Sol. He tells Sol about Teeny’s amulet advantage. He also shares that Genevieve wants Sol gone before Teeny. After this conversation, Rome talks to Genevieve about working with Sol instead of Teeny. Genevieve humors him, but she admits in her confessional that she still would rather work with Teeny. Genevieve talks to Sol next, and Sol reveals what Rome told him. Genevieve is bothered that Rome told Sol that she didn’t want to work with him. In her confessional, Genevieve says Rome’s value as an ally is dropping.

Sam and Rachel return to the Gata tribe. Sam shares with Sierra about the duo allegations. This revelation makes Sierra want to consider all her options. At the Lavo tribe, Teeny pretends she didn’t share any information about their tribe. After Rome walks away, Genevieve and Sol throw Rome under the bus to Teeny. Teeny is glad they’re all on the same page that Rome is too chaotic.

At Tuku, Sue is still annoyed Tiyana put a target on Gabe’s back. Sue says Gabe is her #1 ally. Later, Sue and Caroline let Gabe know what Tiyana said. Caroline also advises Tiyana to apologize to Gabe and do damage control. Tiyana talks to Gabe and claims she only told two people he played his idol. Gabe fact-checks with Sue, and Sue tells him she threw him under the bus while everyone was sitting together. In his confessional, Gabe admits he’s angry with Tiyana. He says he wants to crush Tiyana’s Survivor dream.

It’s time for the immunity challenge. The Gata tribe bring their chickens they won last time. They want to trade their chickens for eggs. They negotiate with Jeff, and they exchange the chickens for 18 eggs. For the challenge, they must drag nets of coconuts through the course. Along the way, they will collect sandbags and more coconuts. They then must throw sandbags at blocks to knock them down. Lastly, they must reassemble the blocks into a puzzle.

The challenge begins. Tuku takes the early lead while Gata falls behind. Tuku keep their lead and win the challenge. Tuku wins immunity! Lavo was close behind, but they are unable to knock down their last few blocks. Gata is very far behind, but they make a comeback due to Lavo’s struggles. Both tribes end up knocking their blocks at the same time. In just a matter of seconds, Lavo completes their puzzle before Gata. Lavo wins immunity! Gata will go to tribal council tonight.

Gata returns to camp. Anika lost her vote, but she’s confident the tribe will vote out Andy. Sam, however, wants to vote out Anika tonight. Andy wants to play dumb to Rachel and Anika. He tells them he’s a free agent to keep his alliance to Sierra and Sam a secret. Rachel and Anika come up with a fake plan to target Sam in order to placate Andy. Andy is not surprised they pitched that to him. In his confessional, he says he made them come up with that plan due to his pitch to them. Meanwhile, Sam and Sierra are not on the same page. Sierra wants Andy gone; Sam wants Anika gone. Sierra points out that Andy will not be happy that Sam found an idol and didn’t tell him about it. Sam’s hidden immunity idol is only good for tonight. Sam wonders if voting out Andy is the safer move after all.

It’s time for tribal council. Jeff asks about the Survivor Social Hour. Rachel said they learned Gabe played an idol and Teeny was blindsided by the Kishan vote. Sam said they held back from revealing info about the Gata tribe. Andy says the perception is that he’s on the bottom of the tribe, but he thinks he has made headway. Jeff asks how do they decide whom to vote out? Rachel says they must weigh the pros and cons of everyone. Sierra wants to feel strong and comfortable with her alliance, but admit it’s worth keeping a target around. Anika says each vote makes different pathways the game can go. Rachel is confident she is part of the group decision tonight. She says this will solidify the group. Sam says cohesion isn’t guaranteed, but he feels good about being in the “we” tonight. Andy wants to enter a group he can trust. He thinks he can turn his “me” into a “we.” Afterwards, it’s time for the vote.

Before Jeff reads the votes, Sam does not play his idol.

The first vote is for…





Anika is the fifth person voted out of Survivor 47. She and Rachel are visibly blindsided. Anika is almost too stunned to speak as she stands up and stares at her tribe members. She asks if Rachel knew, and Rachel says she didn’t. Anika asks who takes ownership of this move, and Sam raises his hand. Andy says all three of him, Sam, and Sierra made this move together. Anika gets her torch snuffed and walks away from tribal council in tears.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 567 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.