Survivor Season 47 Week 7 Recap and Live Blog

A new episode of Survivor airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.

The tribe returns to camp after voting out Rome. Andy and Sol have a private conversation. Sol explains why he voted for Andy. He throws Sam under the bus, saying it was Sam’s idea to have Andy as the backup target in case Rome played an idol. Andy says he’s not surprised, but he’s woken up now. Andy says he wants to be in an alliance with people who don’t use him as a sacrificial lamb. He offers an alliance to Sol, and Sol accepts. Andy adds that he wants to target his former Gata tribe members. Later, Andy and Genevieve have a chat about working together too. They each want to be each other’s #1 ally.

The next morning, Rachel says she feels good about the women in the game. Teeny also wants an all-female alliance. Tiyana, Sierra, Rachel, and Teeny talk about a target for the upcoming vote. Tiyana throws out Gabe’s name. Even though he is a former Tuku tribe member like her, she cannot trust him.

It’s time for the immunity challenge. They must stand on a narrow beam while balancing a ball at the end of a pole above their head. If they fall or drop their ball, then they are eliminated from the challenge. They will also be randomly divided into two teams. The last person standing in the challenge will win immunity for his or her entire team. They will not cast a vote at tribal council either. In addition, they will enjoy a food reward. The last person standing on the losing team will win individual immunity. After Jeff explains the rules, they draw rocks.

Yellow Team – Genevieve, Sierra, Teeny, Sol, Andy, and Sam

Blue Team – Rachel, Caroline, Sue, Tiyana, Gabe, and Kyle

The challenge begins. Andy is the first person to drop his ball. He’s followed by Rachel. Everyone must now take a step further down the middle of their beam. Sierra drops her ball during the transition. Tiyana drops her ball too. Sol is the next to drop his ball. Everyone remaining must take another step forward on their beam. Sue drops her ball. They must take another step to the last section of the beam. Gabe falls during the transaction. Caroline drops, and she’s followed by Sam and then Kyle. The challenge is over with only Genevieve and Teeny left standing. The Yellow Team wins immunity! Kyle wins individual immunity! Rachel, Caroline, Sue, Tiyana, Gabe, and Kyle will go to tribal council tonight. Rachel is the only former Gata tribe member while everyone else is a former Tuku tribe member. In her confessional, Caroline says it would be easy to vote out Rachel, but it might not be the smartest move.

We next see the Yellow Team enjoy their food reward. They speculate that Rachel could be in trouble tonight. Sam says he would like to see the six of them vote together at the next tribal council and knock out some of the Tuku numbers. There’s also a hidden advantage there at the reward, but no one has spot it yet.

Back at the former Lavo tribe’s camp, Rachel is feeling worried about tribal council. In his confessional, Gabe says Rachel is a threat. He says it’s advantageous for everyone to have her in a vulnerable position. Gabe says that Rachel will likely play her Shot in the Dark advantage. He wants everyone to vote for Rachel and then deal with a revote if they have to.

Tiyana talks to Kyle about the vote. Tiyana suggests voting out Gabe. She fears that the five Tuku tribe members will be targets of the other six players if they stay united in voting out Rachel. Kyle sees her point and is on board. Tiyana later tells Rachel about the plan to vote out Gabe. Rachel says that the plan is music to her ears. She’s willing to vote for anyone if it means she gets to stay. Tiyana says they need to let Caroline know about this plan too.

Back at the reward, Andy searches for an advantage among the plates. Sierra sees him, and she calls him out. “Find anything?” she asks. Andy says no. Later, Sol ends up finding the scroll tucked away by the plant. He hides it in his pants before reading what the scroll says.

Tiyana approaches Caroline about voting out Gabe. Caroline agrees that Tuku could be picked off one by one, but she thinks Kyle and Gabe would be targeted before them. She also thinks Rachel is a big threat and well-connected in the game. She thinks Rachel should be voted out tonight. Tiyana sees her point, but she is disappointed they cannot vote out Gabe.

Gabe talks to Rachel about the vote. He tells Rachel what he thinks she wants to hear. He throws out targeting Caroline tonight, but he admits in his confessional that Rachel is whom he wants voted out tonight. In her confessional, Rachel says she can’t tell if she has hope in this game or if everyone is playing her.

Back at camp after the reward, Sol reads his advantage scroll while alone. He learns he can impact tonight’s tribal council. He must send this advantage to someone at tribal council, and they will have a choice between two advantages: Block a Vote or Safety Without Power.

It’s time for tribal council. Everyone is there, but the members of the Yellow Team are watching from the jury benches. Jeff first points out how lopsided the draw was. There are five former Tuku members and one former Gata tribe member. Jeff asks if there’s an opportunity with Rachel as a number. Caroline says that it was weighing on their minds today. She admits there are pros and cons to keeping Rachel. Gabe agrees it would be a good night to make a move. Rachel tells Jeff this was a worst-case scenario. She doesn’t know if people are telling her what she wants to hear to not play her Shot in the Dark. Kyle says Rachel did her job to find cracks in the tribe. Tiyana says it is a very important vote since this vote determines who makes it to the jury portion of the game. Caroline says making it to the jury means they will make an impact on the game. Rachel says they can play two or three steps ahead, but tonight for her it is just about making it through tonight. She says this has been her hardest day. Sue agrees voting out Rachel would be obvious and easy, but the game changes by the hour. She says her head is spinning. Tiyana agrees it’s an obvious choice, but everyone wants to make big moves. She doesn’t want to have regrets. Caroline says there’s a distinction between a big move and a smart move. She wants to make smart moves, even if they’re not flashy. Jeff asks how Rachel is feeling. Rachel says she’s anxious, but anxiously hopeful. She’s given her word to a plan, and she hopes everyone will stick to the plan. Gabe says if there is a plan with Rachel, then she could be choosing who goes home tonight. Before the vote, Rachel reveals she got an advantage sent to her. Rachel is playing the Safety Without Power advantage. She is safe tonight, but she won’t vote. She can leave tribal council and go back to camp. The people on the jury benches whisper and ask who sent her that advantage. Sol plays dumb and looks confused. “Thank you whoever you are,” Rachel whispers before exiting tribal council. Based on the expressions on the former Tuku tribe members’ faces, it looks like they were going to vote out Rachel tonight.

“So, now what?” Jeff asks the remaining five. Gabe admits the game has changed. He says they should already have an idea what to do since there was a time it was just the five of them before the merge. Kyle says tonight’s vote will have repercussions. Tiyana says her anxiety is through the roof. She says making it to the jury means everything to her, and she starts crying. She says it would be devastating if she’s voted out tonight. While Tiyana is talking, Kyle and Sue whisper to each other and Gabe and Caroline whisper to each other. Finally, Tiyana stands up and everyone is whispering plans. Tiyana tells Kyle to vote for Gabe, and he tells her he is on board. Meanwhile, Gabe tells Sue to vote for Tiyana. Sue promises she will stick with Gabe. Kyle and Tiyana talk to Caroline, and she looks stressed and uncertain what to do. Finally, it’s time for the vote.

Jeff reads the votes. The first vote is for…





Tiyana is the seventh person voted out of Survivor 47. She is visibly disappointed and cries as she walks away from tribal council.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 576 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.