A new episode of Survivor 48 airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.
The episode begins on the morning of Day 8. Cedrek said last night was the roughest night due to the heavy rainfall. Cedrek had to choose between his two closest allies at tribal council, but he wants to stay positive moving forward. Sai appreciates that Cedrek kept her in the game, but she wants to proceed with caution since he wrote her name down before voting out Justin. Mary would rather work with Sai instead of against her. Sai and Mary chat, and they both agree that they could finally band together.
Later, the three tribes greet Jeff for what they believe will be their next challenge. Jeff chats with the castaways first. Cedrek says they’ve struggled at Vula. It gets harder and harder after each vote. Jeff also reminds them that they must be ready for anything in this game. Thomas agrees, and he says they need to be prepared for any curveball the game can throw. Jeff tells everyone to drop their buffs; they are switching tribes. In her confessional, Eva admits she is nervous being separated from Joe. He is the only person who knows about her autism. Bianca says she loves her tribe, and no one wants to lose numbers. Sai says this is exactly what they need to get some momentum. They all randomly pick a wrapped package that will contain their new buff.
New Civa – Chrissy, Mitch, Bianca, Cedrek, and Sai
New Vula – Joe, Shauhin, Thomas, Kyle, and Kamilla
New Lagi – David, Eva, Charity, Star, and Mary
We first see Lagi return to camp. Mary says this feels like a new life for her in the game. Eva notices how David is the only man on the tribe. The women could band against David, but Eva says she hit it off with David right away. Eva was not happy to see Star. After Star walks away from camp, Eva says she wants to get rid of Star to David, Charity, and Mary. She also tells them Star found the Beware advantage, and they are all stunned by Eva giving away all this information.
At the Civa camp, Chrissy and Mitch show the others the cassava they have. Chrissy says she hasn’t talked game to Mitch before, but now they need to stick together. Sai says the camp is a massive upgrade from their previous Vula tribe. Sai wanted to get away from Cedrek, but she’s stuck with Cedrek. Bianca is disappointed. Not only is she without any of her previous tribe members, but she lost her vote too. Bianca tells Sai she wants to work with her and Cedrek. However, Sai hints that she’s wary about Cedrek.
Meanwhile on Vula, they are stunned by how bad the camp conditions are. Thomas feels good that his “California Girls” allies Joe and Shauhin are with him. He says it’s best case scenario for him. Kyle has a hidden immunity idol and Kamilla has an extra vote. Despite being outnumbered, Kyle and Kamilla have a chance to keep themselves safe. They also want to pretend to be distant from each other. Shauhin seems to buy Kamilla and Kyle’s act that they aren’t close. Kamilla also throws suspicion on Thomas about the Journey. Thomas says they had the choice to play or not, but Mitch said they had no option. Shauhin begins to doubt Thomas, so he tells him what Kamilla said. Thomas denies he lied to them. Thomas now wants Kamilla gone.
Back at the Civa camp, Mitch and Cedrek bond. Cedrek used to stutter, so he can relate to Mitch. They both want to work together in the game too. Meanwhile, Sai shares some information about the former Vula tribe to Bianca. Sai wants to work with Bianca. However, Chrissy, Mitch, and Cedrek talk game. They agree to vote out Bianca if they go to tribal council. They say it’s beneficial to get rid of a former Lagi tribe member.
Eva and David continue to get to know each other on the Lagi tribe. Eva says she gets along better with guys. David says he grew up with sisters and no brothers, so he’s not bothered to be the only man on the tribe. Mary calls David their provider. Charity believes she can tell David to do whatever she wants. She calls him a great shield too, and she wants to keep him around. However, David shares with Eva that no one from his former tribe trusts Charity. He knows Eva wants Star gone from their tribe, but he would rather vote out Charity first.
It’s time for the immunity challenge. They must roll a cube under a structure and retrieve sand bags. Afterwards, they must land two sand bags on a barrel. Next they will dig up a puzzle piece from the sand and then race to solve a puzzle. Along with immunity, the winning tribes will win fresh fruit. The challenge begins. Vula takes the early lead while Civa falls behind in third place. However, Lagi falls far behind at the barrel. They are struggling to land two sand bags while the other two tribes are already working on the puzzle. However, Lagi catches up before any of the other two tribes solve the puzzle. Vula thinks they have it solved, but they are wrong. Lagi has quick success at the puzzle, and they are the first tribe to solve it. Lagi wins immunity! Shortly afterwards, Civa completes the puzzle too. Civa wins immunity! Vula will go to tribal council tonight.
Vula returns to camp. Shauhin feels good about his “California Girls” alliance, and he doubts Kyle or Kamilla has an advantage that could ruin his plan. Kamilla tells Thomas she is on board to vote for Kyle. She wants to pretend she and Kyle aren’t close. Kyle tells Shauhin that he is suspicious of Kamilla. In his confessional, Kyle says Kamilla is actually his #1 ally in the game. After Kyle and Kamilla throw each other under the bus to pretend they’re against each other, Joe, Thomas, and Shauhin discuss who to vote out. They are split between the two. In his confessional, Thomas says he will use his steal-a-vote advantage if he believes he could be in trouble. Meanwhile, Kamilla and Kyle plan how to use their advantages. They hope they play the idol successfully to blindside Thomas. Later, Shauhin searches through Kyle’s bag, but he doesn’t find the hidden immunity idol. Kamilla tells Kyle that Shauhin and Thomas were looking through his bag. Kyle thinks this means they want to vote for him tonight, so he plans to play his hidden immunity idol on himself.
It’s time for tribal council. Shauhin says tribal council is part of Survivor history, but it feels like a nightmare. Jeff points out how three former Lagi tribe members outnumber the two former Civa tribe members. Shauhin says the Lagis are tight. Kamilla admits her performance in the challenge wasn’t the best, and her only option was to say she is willing to vote for Kyle. Kyle says he and Kamilla have bonded, but they will fight for their lives in the game. Joe says they had to have a conversation to decide what to do. Kyle says he’s a rational and confident person, but the game has “hit him in the mouth.” Kamilla says she underestimates herself, and she breaks down in tears. However, she’s proud of the connections she’s made. Shauhin says everyone is a fan, so it’s tough to vote anyone out. Thomas says they all have the same dream, but they all have to crush each other’s dreams. Afterwards, it’s time to vote.
Before the votes are read, Kyle plays his hidden immunity idol for himself.
The first vote is for…
Thomas is the fourth person voted out of Survivor 48. Thomas, Joe, and Shauhin are stunned. Shauhin is especially taken aback. They all give Thomas a hug before he gets his torch snuffed and walks away.
And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor 48. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.