The Amazing Race 35 Recap – Week 11 Live Blog (RESULTS)

The Amazing Race 35
Pictured: Corey McArthur. Photo: CBS ©2023 

The Amazing Race 35 Recap – Week 11 Live Blog and Results

A new episode of The Amazing Race airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.

The teams learn their next destination: Dublin, Ireland. Only four teams remain, so this leg will determine which three teams will race for the million dollars in the final leg. They all get on the same flight, so the teams will be on equal footing for today’s leg.

For their first task, they must drive themselves to the coast by Castle Rock School. They must go into the frigid water and retrieve a clue from a buoy. On the drive there, Steve & Anna Leigh go in the wrong direction. This puts them behind as Rob & Corey, Joel & Garrett, and Greg & John find Castle Rock School with no issues. The teams in front manage to get their clue and learn they must proceed to Gaiety Theatre before Steve & Anna Leigh arrive. Steve & Anna Leigh manage to get their clue too, but Steve is struggling to swim in the water. However, Steve & Anna Leigh manage to catch up as they pass Greg & John stopping to ask a local for directions.

Rob & Corey are the first to reach Gaiety Theatre. They read their next clue and learn they have a Roadblock to complete. One team member must perform 30 seconds of an Irish Riverdance. Corey has to do the Roadblock. Meanwhile, Steve & Anna Leigh were following Greg & John on the drive to Gaiety Theatre. However, they stop to ask for directions. Greg & John feel good about no longer being followed, but they later realize they went in a wrong direction. They have to turn around.

A close race

Joel & Garrett arrive at Gaiety Theatre. Joel chooses to do the Roadblock. Corey is still learning the routine, so no one has attempted the performance yet. Steve & Anna Leigh arrive next. Steve has to do the Roadblock. Soon afterwards, Greg & John arrive with John choosing to do the Roadblock. Everyone is at the Roadblock at the same time, making it a close race today.

Corey does his first attempt. He slipped on a step, so he must try again. However, he passes on his second attempt. Corey gets the next clue. He and Rob can proceed to Croke Park. John does his attempt next, but he doesn’t pass. He must try again, but he also passes on his second attempt. Joel and Steve, however, struggle with the Riverdance performance. They fail numerous times, but Steve finally passes on his eighth attempt. He and Anna Leigh can proceed to Croke Park. Joel is the last one left at the Roadblock. He fails his seventh attempt, but he’s determined to pass on his next try. Joel does indeed pass, so he and Garrett can make their way to Croke Park too.

Rob & Corey arrive at Croke Park. They learn they have another Roadblock to complete, which Corey must do. He must learn how to play hurling, which is one of the national sports of Ireland. It is a stick and ball game, and he must score a goal to get his next clue. Corey manages to complete the Roadblock before any other teams arrive. They get their next clue and learn they must next recite James Joyce in Toners Pub.

After hurling and James Joyce, Team #1 arrives

Greg & John arrive at Croke Park. Greg does the hurling Roadblock. Meanwhile, Steve & Anna Leigh get lost and must stop and ask for directions. Greg completes the Roadblock, so he and John can proceed to Toners Pub too. Rob & Corey arrive at Toners Pub. They see the James Joyce quotes they must memorize before they can complete the leg.

Steve & Anna Leigh’s navigation issues allow Joel & Garrett to arrive at Croke Park before them. Garrett gets to work on the Roadblock, and he completes it before Steve & Anna Leigh arrive. Both teams see each other as Joel & Garrett leave the stadium and Steve & Anna Leigh rush in. Steve gets to work on the hurling Roadblock.

Rob & Corey recite their James Joyce quotes. They can now make their way to the Pit Stop: Saint’s Patrick’s Cathedral. After they leave, we see Greg & John arrive at Toners Pub and begin memorizing the James Joyce quotes. They give their first attempt, but Greg gets a word wrong. They must try again. Meanwhile, Steve completes the Roadblock, meaning he and Anna Leigh can proceed to Toners Pub.

Rob & Corey greet Phil at the Pit Stop. He gives them the good news. Rob & Corey are Team #1! They have also won a trip to Fiji. Back at Toners Pub, Greg & John successfully recite their James Joyce quotes. They can make their way to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, where they greet Phil as Team #2.

A team is eliminated

Joel & Garrett fail their first attempt at reciting the James Joyce quotes, but they pass on their second attempt. Steve & Anna Leigh have yet to arrive at the pub as they make their way to the Pit Stop. However, Steve & Anna Leigh finally do arrive at the pub before we see Joel & Garrett at the Pit Stop. Steve & Anna Leigh also manage to complete the task on their first attempt.

Joel & Garrett seem to not know where to go, but Steve & Anna Leigh are confident where the Pit Stop is. This could be creative editing to make it seem like it’s a closer race between the last two teams than it actually is. Sure enough, Joel & Garrett are the next team to arrive at the Pit Stop. Phil lets them know they are Team #3. Steve & Anna Leigh arrive later. Phil lets them know they are the last team to arrive. Steve & Anna Leigh have been eliminated from the race. Anna Leigh is disappointed to be last, but she’s grateful for the experience. She calls it the adventure of a lifetime. Steve says there is no one he’d rather have run the race with.

Episode Summary

1st place: Rob & Corey

2nd place: Greg & John

3rd place: Joel & Garrett

Eliminated: Steve & Anna Leigh

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of The Amazing Race. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 576 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.