A new episode of The Amazing Race airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.
For this leg of the race, the teams will travel by bullet train to the city of Kyoto. In addition, the Express Pass will be up for grabs during the leg. We hear from some of the teams as the leg begins. Jonathan & Ana feel like they’re one of the strongest teams here. Scott & Lori are glad to begin in a better position than last time. Alyssa & Josiah are excited to go to Kyoto. Carson & Jack believe they have a target on their backs, so they want the Express Pass. Courtney & Jasmin believe their adaptability will aid them in the race. Pops & Jeff are looking forward to riding the bullet train.
Jonathan & Ana and Lori & Scott board the first bullet train to Kyoto. Alyssa & Josiah and Carson & Jack board the second train. Pops & Jeff board the third train. Courtney & Jasmin and Melinda & Erika board the fourth train. Bernie & Carrigain, Brett & Mark, and Nick & Mike board the fifth train.
Scott & Lori get to the clue box first. They must buy fortune telling paper called Omikuji. When placed in water, it will reveal the location of their next clue: Shiramine Jingu Shrine.
Jonathan & Ana arrive at the shrine first with Carson & Jack right behind them. They learn they have a Roadblock to complete. They must play kemari, kicking a ball to pass it to others standing in a circle. They need to make five successful passes to receive their next clue. In order to receive the Express Pass, both team members must complete the Roadblock. Jonathan completes the task pretty quickly, but Ana is struggling with it. Carson takes a while to complete the Roadblock. He and Jack are going for the Express Pass too, so Jack attempts the Roadblock too.
Scott & Lori arrive at the Roadblock next. Scott completes it, but Lori chooses not to do it. They can now proceed to their next location: Yasaka Koshin-Do Temple. Ana and Jack are still attempting to complete the Roadblock to win the Express Pass. Jonathan is getting impatient, but Ana finally completes the Roadblock. Jonathan & Ana win the Express Pass! After Ana completed the Roadblock, Carson & Jack leave right away.
We next see Josiah attempting the Roadblock. He completes it very quickly, keeping him and Alyssa in fourth place. Meanwhile, Scott & Lori find their next clue box and learn they have a Detour to complete: Fold It or Fling It. Fold It requires teams to build a giant origami crane. Fling It requires teams to hit a target with various ninja weapons. Scott & Lori choose Fling It. Carson & Jack and Jonathan & Ana choose Fling It too. Meanwhile, Pops completes the Roadblock next.
As the rest of the teams arrive and get their Omikuji clue, Han & Holden arrive to Kyoto on the sixth bullet train. Courtney & Jasmin fall behind as they don’t realize until much later that they needed to wet the paper with water to know they need to go to Shiramine Jingu Shrine.
While Scott & Lori arrive at the Detour, Erika completes the Roadblock. Scott & Lori are still practicing when Carson & Jack and Jonathan & Ana arrive at the Fling It Detour too. Lori is struggling with the task, so they decide to switch to the Fold It Detour.
Nick and Brett are the next to complete the Roadblock. Carrigain attempts the Roadblock next. Ana is struggling with the Fling It Detour, so they decide to switch to the Fold It Detour. Carson & Jack choose to switch Detours too.
Han & Holden are still in last place as they finally get their Omikuji clue. Meanwhile, Courtney attempts the Roadblock. Alyssa & Josiah are still practicing the Fling It Detour when Nick & Mike join them. Melinda & Erika and Pops & Jeff arrive at the Fold It Detour too.
Carrigain is still struggling with the Roadblock too. Bernie & Carrigain and Jasmin & Courtney are still at the Roadblock by the time Han & Holden arrive. Holden chooses to do the Roadblock. Holden used to play soccer. He completes the Roadblock right away, allowing him and Han to jump to ninth place.
Carrigain is the next to complete the Roadblock, putting Courtney & Jasmin in last place. Meanwhile, Lori & Scott are the first to complete the Fold It Detour. They can now proceed to the Pit Stop: Komyo-Ji Temple. Soon afterwards, Carson & Jack complete the Fold It Detour too. They can proceed to the Pit Stop as well. Meanwhile, Alyssa & Josiah are still struggling with the Fling It Detour. Jonathan & Ana are the third team to complete the Fold It Detour.
Scott & Lori arrive at the Pit Stop first with Carson & Jack joining them seconds later. Scott & Lori are Team #1! They have won $5,000. Phil also gives a tease of the next leg’s twist: The Driver’s Seat. This will give a team the power to determine how much work the other teams must do.
Alyssa & Josiah are still struggling with the Fling It Detour after 20 attempts. Nick & Mike are still struggling with the Fling It Detour too. Alyssa & Josiah finally decide to switch Detours. Brett & Mark, Melinda & Erika, and Pops & Jeff are still working on the Fold It Detour. Meanwhile, Courtney finally completes the Roadblock.
Jonathan & Ana arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #3 as Han & Holden arrive at the Fold It Detour. Nick & Mike are still struggling with the Fling It Detour while Bernie & Carrigain make their way to the Fling It Detour too.
Melinda & Erika, Brett & Mark, and Pops & Jeff complete the Fold It Detour. Nick & Mike finally switch to the Fold It Detour. Courtney & Jasmin decide to go to the Fold It Detour while Bernie & Carrigain are practicing the Fling It Detour.
Melinda & Erika arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #4. Brett & Mark and Pops & Jeff join them at the mat as Team #5 and Team #6 respectively. Alyssa & Josiah complete the Fold It Detour and can proceed to the Pit Stop. Han & Holden and Nick & Mike agree to work together to beat Bernie & Carrigain and Courtney & Jasmin.
Courtney & Jasmin arrive at the Fold It Detour. Bernie & Carrigain are struggling with the Fling It Detour, so they switch to the Fold It Detour. The last four teams are feeling the pressure. Han & Holden are arguing as they try to figure out how to complete the origami task. Nick & Mike are confused as they struggle making their origami crane. Courtney & Jasmin have been behind, but they are feeling hopeful that they still have a chance.
Alyssa & Josiah greet Phil as Team #7. Nick & Mike are the next to complete the Fold It Detour, and they are followed by Han & Holden. Nick & Mike greet Phil as Team #8. Han & Holden greet Phil as Team #9. Bernie & Carrigain complete it too. They greet Phil as Team #10.
Courtney & Jasmin finally complete the Fold It Detour. They greet Phil in last place. He gives them the bad news. Courtney & Jasmin have been eliminated from the race. They’re disappointed, but they’re happy for the experience.
Episode Summary
1st place: Scott & Lori
2nd place: Carson & Jack
3rd place: Jonathan & Ana
4th place: Melinda & Erika
5th place: Brett & Mark
6th place: Pops & Jeff
7th place: Alyssa & Josiah
8th place: Nick & Mike
9th place: Han & Holden
10th place: Bernie & Carrigain
Eliminated: Courtney & Jasmin
And that wraps up tonight’s episode of The Amazing Race. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.