It’s Week Six, which means you can forget Clare ever lived, in addition to what happened in Afghanistan, and whether we get to know who’s been wearing the Snow Owls masks.
That better be something good, since I’m terrified of every other response on reality TV this week. At least Yousif is gone, particularly when I have no idea how to spell his name.
At least we can calm down over new Bachelorette Tayshia Adams. The Clare replacement—but with a pleasant demeanor, so we’ll have to find issues with her elsewhere (claps hands)—debuted last week. She’s met all the remaining guys, plus a handful of new ones to replace those who got away or just lacked dramatic skills to express how they feel about former failed relationships. One guy took himself out for being uninterested, which seems like the best reason there is. Wising best of luck to whoever it was.
Tonight’s episode of Wheel of Fortune is brought to us by Prevegel, a memory-inducing ointment. Unfortunately, it’ll only helps us recall Pat’s haircuts from 1997 to 2003. None of us wanted to remember Clare, though.
There’s extra emphasis on nakedness this week. Tayshia looks forward to this date, apparently because she hasn’t gotten a lot of action. She’s going to test them with some really inane questions that don’t even ask who the stars are the following show are. No one gets a diploma, although they do learn what Raketan means.
The next challenge involves physical making of breakfast. The other guys fret at what the competitors prepare even though none if made by a professianol. Bennant gets a kiss for his pre-baked dessert, which irritates his competitors. He’s either a goner tonight or the new evil guy, although neither choice is Tayshia’s.
The guys spend some time bitching at the winner. Then Ed turns on another guy for variety. The next new fellow tells her he wasn’t a “relationship” guy until he met her, which fortunately she doesn’t try to investigate. Tayshia is thrilled to have has so many positive relationships now.
So naturally, someone has to try to undo one. Bearing the baby like it’s his laundry, Ed tells Tayshia that Chasen just wants online-followers. Don’t they all? But she needs some time to think it all over.
Moments later, she returns to award the rose to Ivan. Not sure what went into thinking there, but okay.
Time for the Rose Ceremony. The guy who got called out by Tayshia is nervous. A little late for that. Do they buy 350 versions of the same dress in different colors? Ed tries going after Chasten again, as his whole personality is that guy and the fake baby, who doesn’t bring much to the relationship. Chasten is then confronted by Ed, which of course leads nothing but a back a few pages.
She tells the group she needs to think about a few things, probably including trimming her ends, before making any rose-related decisions tonight. After uttering two sentences to Chris, about these thoughts, she gives roses to Kenny and Ben, as well as some other people, Jordan, and Ed, although without a reason why. Chasten gets the final flower, because that’s the best they can do.
Chasen and Ed are in the next group date. The guys walks in on Tayshia beating up a couple of pro-wrestlers. After practicing among each tonight, they’re get the chance to beats someone else to earn a presumably a date with their love. The grease level is very impressive. Chasten and Ed are set to got for it until Ed cops out with a bone spur or some thing. She better send the child packing. His doll can stay.
Chasen tries to make nice by giving the belt he won to everyone. Tayshia tells Noah she doesn’t like his mustache. She always goes for the big issues. Ben waits patiently for his chance with Tayzhia but it appears he won’t get time with her until a commercial. One on Thursday afternoon.
Noah returns with his ‘stache attached. He wants her to shave it. Then the evening’s over, so she gives the rose to him. Someone else is pissed off.