The Masked Singer Season 1 Episode 3 Clues and Guesses (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

THE MASKED SINGER: Unicorn in the all-new “Five Masks No More” episode of THE MASKED SINGER airing Wednesday, Jan. 16 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2019 FOX Broadcasting. CR: Michael Becker / FOX.

In the Masked Singer premiere, The Hippo was eliminated and unmasked as Pittsburgh Steeler Antonio Brown. On Week 2, we said goodbye to The Pineapple, otherwise known as Tommy Chong. 10 Masked singers remain. The five surviving Week 1 masked singers perform again tonight, when The Masked Singer Episode 3 airs on FOX at 9 pm ET/PT.

FOX uploaded a video with 3 more clues–for The Lion, The Unicorn and The Deer.

The Lion: CLUES: 5? 6. Her strength is Noble. “I’m the lion and I’m here to roar. This is my chance to perform without people having any preconceived notions. Some might say I’m Hollywood royalty. But now I’m standing on my own. And I’m stepping away from my pride to sing my heart out. I don’t see a lion as just brave and courageous. True strengths come from embracing all of your vulnerabilities. I am going to show my true self for the very first time.” She brushes dirt off of her shoulders and stands in front of a backdrop of what looks like the Hollywood Hills or Santa Monica mountains? Week 3 Clue – Lion is building a wine rack, using a drill

Guesses: Lots of folks are guessing Rumer Willis, daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. She does sing. And she’s no stranger to reality shows, having won Dancing with the Stars with Val Chmerkovskiy in 2015. Also, she’s a big fan of Amy Winehouse hence the wine rack? Sorry, that’s a clue from You Tube. Otherwise, I’ve got nothing.

The Unicorn – CLUES: Unicorn is 5? 6? and her strength is that she’s “made of magic.” She says, “My childhood should have been magical. I grew up in one of the richest neighborhoods (Jenny thinks it’s Beverly Hills). “When I was little I dreamt of singing. But someone I admired said I was tone deaf. All my life people told me I was not worthy. I’m not going to listen to them any longer! Nobody is going to tell me who I can or cannot be.” Her shirt says “You are beautiful…you sparkle.” “I’m showing the next generation of unicorns…all you have to do is believe.” Week 3 Clue: The camera pans what look like Chinese cookie fortunes featuring inspirational sayings.

Guesses: I don’t know? When Paris Hilton took a stab at pop stardom, she was pilloried for her weak vocals. 

The Deer – CLUES: 6′ 3′ his strength is longevity. “I chose the deer because they are incredibly competitive. I always considered myself a singer’ (He’s singing in the shower) “I don’t think anyone is going to agree with that. It’s hard for people to get past who I am and what I’m known for. Being under the mask people will finally hear my voice. I’ve been knocked down many times” (We see fingers taping up his antlers). “But in the wild wild west you learn how to get up and get back in the saddle. Week 3 Clue: Salt and pepper beard

Guesses: Former Pittsburgh Steeler quarterback Terry Bradshaw seems to be the social media consensus. He did release a country album at one point, so there’s that.

The Peacock CLUES: Peacock is 5’9 and craves attention. Nicole thinks they might be Johnny Weir because the outfit is so “extra.” Erm. Every outfit is “extra” that’s the point. “I chose to become The Peacock because we both love the spotlight.” Peacock walked on to the stage for the first time at 5. A piano and cards are clues. “Being a star is in my DNA, but it’s probably been awhile since your mother had a poster of me in her room.” Michael Jackson was his “dear friend.” who said “If you’re going to re-invent yourself, you have to become someone the world has never seen before.” Peacock pets a plastic puppy. “It’s never too late for this showman to make his comeback,” he says.

Guesses: I am pretty convinced The Peacock is Donny Osmond. All the clues fit! Petting a puppy? His 70’s hit Puppy Love! Plus, he and MJ were about the same age and were super-supportive of each other as they endured the pop stardom maw.  Moms of Millennials would have had Donny’s poster up in their bedrooms. Plus, he won Dancing with the Stars a few years ago. The DWTS thing seems to be a theme (as it is over on Celebrity Big Brother).

The MonsterCLUES: Monster is 5? 8? and weakness is that he’s misunderstood. “I am The Monster because that is what the world labeled me. I’m here to rewrite my mixtape. To prove that I’m more than just puff and fluff.” And “I was at the top of my game and the world turned on me. So I retreated to my cave. Take a break from the public eye. Now I’m here to set the record straight and show the world they can’t stop me from doing what I love.” Blacklight flashes and Monster is upside down. And also holding an 80’s style boombox. “This monster is baaad.” There’s a sunglassed security guard in the background holding a HUGE boombox.

Guesses: I have NO idea. 

About mj santilli 35171 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!