The Masked Singer Finale Results and Live Blog (VIDEOS)

THE MASKED SINGER: L-R: Monster and host Nick Cannon in the special two-hour “Road to the Finals / Season Finale: The Final Mask is Lifted” season finale episode of THE MASKED SINGER airing Wednesday, Feb. 27 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2019 FOX Broadcasting. CR: Michael Becker / FOX.

Tonight, it’s The Masked Singer FINALE. The remaining three singers–The Bee, The Peacock and The Monster perform. A winner will be crowned while ALL THREE contestants are finally UNMASKED.

Host Nick Cannon joins panelists Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger, and Robin Thicke. We’ll be live blogging all of the performances and RESULTS here.

Based on an international hit which produced the No. 1 top-trending video of 2017 on YouTube, The Masked Singer features celebrities facing off against one another with one major twist: each singer is shrouded from head to toe in an elaborate costume, complete with full face mask to conceal his or her identity.

Tonight’s finale runs 2 hours so expect…lots of filler probably! 

Oh yeah. The show kicks off with a series recap, a bit about the elaborate costumes, and the difficulty of keeping the identities secret. Ha ha. We see audience members signing long ass NDAs. Good luck keeping those secrets next season, FOX. YOU know and I KNOW it’s going to be really really hard (we’ve done the dance have we not? Heh). Don’t worry though. I have NO INTENTIONS of spoiling this show. It would be pointless otherwise. 

By the way, I predict the Monster is going to win tonight. Interestingly, unlike Peacock and Bee, the panel has been unable to land a correct guest as to the Monster’s identity.

And it looks like the first hour is recap! I’m going to bug out until 9 pm EST. See you then.

New clues: (edited later with clue explanations)

  • Peacock: You could say I struck like an Egyptian, because I had a starring role next to a Phaeroe.  And another alongside Pyramids. A beehive symbolizes where I’m from. (Donny Osmond: He starred in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, which tells the story of the Jews exodus from Egypt. But with songs! The bee clue has to do with Donny’s home state, Utah)
  • Bee: I won a singing competition before the panelists were even born. I once had the number one rated show on the Vegas strip. (Gladys Knight: She won the Ted Mack amature hour in the 50s!)
  • Monster: I got the music, the lyrics and the cadence to bring them down. Whether it’s in a cave, in a bar, or on a boat. (T-Pain is a producer and rapper)

The finale kicks off with all 12 singers on stage performing. The finalists are the last to take the stage.

SNL member Kenan Thompson is back on the panel this week!.

Peacock clues:

Performance – Shake a Tail Feather – In his early performances, Peacock seemed tp put effort into disguising his voice. Not so much any more. This is a pretty corny performance! Peacock dances into the audience, totally hamming it up. Nicole feels that he REALLY cares. Peacock is so humbled to be in the final 3. “This is probably the most fun thing I’ve ever done!” he says. Jennifer is still sure he’s Neil Patrick Harris. Ken can’t guess. Oh. Jennifer is thinking Donny Osmond. DING DING DING. The winner. Robin thinks maybe Weird Al Yankovic (Because Peacock said he was influenced by Blurred Lines. And Al did a parody). But we all know, at this point The Peacock is Donny Osmond! We’ll find out for sure soon.

Bee Clues:

Performance: “I Can’t Make You Love Me” – I’m not even going to be coy. YOU know and I know. ANY SENTIENT BEING knows that the Bee is Gladys Knight. Tonight, the vocal tone is so clear. The panel shouldn’t even bother with any fake ass guesses. That magnificent voice belongs to only ONE legendary singer. Nicole compliments her unique timing. Robin feels hope and light every time she sings. Kenan says, “It’s Un-BEE-Gladys-Knightable.” Freaking Ken is sticking to the Anita Baker guess. He’s got to be high. Or he just feels obligated to throw out a random guess. The rest of the panel knows better. Bee loves her fans and the the judges!

Monster Clues:

Performance: “This is How We Do It – We got some old school hip hop here. Monster can sing! Jenny is blown away. “You brought it home monster.” Kenan says, “You bring a lot of heart to the show.” Monster is adorable. “You guys treated me with the utmost respect. I’ve been in dire need of a second chance. You guys gave it to me.” Jenny admits Monster has been the toughest to guess. Nicole and Robin guess Jamie Foxx. Kenan thinks it’s Tyrese Gibson. Terrence Howard, Ken guesses. Jenny tosses in Tiger Woods. Sure. Tiger can sing like that.


Third Place – The Bee – The panel all shout their guess. GLADYS KNIGHT. Except for Ken Jeong who stubbornly sticks with the super dumb Anita Baker guess. Sheesh. And of course the Bee is GLADYS KNIGHT DUHHHHHHHHH. She looks beautiful. The panel goes nuts. Next season, they have to leave out singers with distinctive voices. She was way too easy to unmask. Nick gushes about meeting Gladys when he was a kid. Kenan was so sweet: “You know good and well who you are in the culture. Because that voice has graced my life, my parents’ life, and every single family that  I’ve ever had.”  Nicole cries as Gladys sings out. 

2nd PlaceThe Peacock – Final guesses – Robin: Weird Al Yankovich. Jenny: Donny Osmond Ken: Neil Patrick Harris (he almost picked Donny) Nicole also almost picked Donny, but went with Neil Patrick Harris. Kenan joins Robin: Weird Al! And of course THE PEACOCK IS DONNY OSMOND! Jenny guessed correctly. Oh. So Jenny knows Donny. No wonder she guessed! Donny reveals he’s been performing a Vegas show at the same time as taping Masked!. Remember the wig? He wore that in Technicolor Dream Coat. The character was thrown in jail.

WINNERThe Monster – Ohhhh. Nick is confessing that he has known who it is all along. He writes it down to reveal later. The panel struggles with guesses! Robin: Jamie Foxx Jenny: Michael Vick (the NFL player jailed for running a dog fighting ring) (IS SHE CRAZY? OH RIGHT. SHE’S AN ANTI-VAXXER. Same thing.) Ken: Darius Rucker. WRONG answer. Darius is in no need of redemption. Right now, Darius is at the top his game in country music. Nicole: Cee Lo Green. The best guess so far. Not correct but.. Kenan: Tyrese Gibson. And as many fans guessed THE MONSTER IS T-PAIN!!! T-Pain was constantly dogged for using auto-tune. The show gave him the opportunity to prove he can sing. YES HE CAN SING! Nick pulls out his paper–T-Pain is scrawled across it. They know each other. Nick became suspicious when Monster began messing with him early on.

Confession time! I came across a tweet while the Television Critics Association tour was happening in Pasadena. One of the Masked Singer producers admitted that the panel was unable to guess the identity of the eventual winner. I scrolled past it fast and never grabbed it, so I didn’t want to repeat it as gospel here. But by the time we were down to the final 3, The Monster was the ONLY singer the panel hadn’t guessed. It’s one of the reasons why I predicted a win for The Lion (Demi Moore)–another singer who flummoxed the judges. 

The producers have to work harder on not giving the game away too early! Harder clues. Singing styles that aren’t undeniable (Like Gladys). Friends and relatives need to sign NDAs! (Dang Marie LITERALLY gave Donny up on Access Hollywood Live). And producers need to zip it. More mystery means more fun.  I expect the show will come back in September, so FOX has plenty of time to figure it all out. 


About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!