The Voice 23 Runner-up Grace West – Every Performance Ranked

Grace West - The Voice 23 Blind Audition
Pictured: Grace West — (Photo by: Casey Durkin/NBC)

The Voice season 23 runner-up Grace West from Team Blake Shelton – Every performance ranked

As crisp and clear of a country artist as they come, it was a little surprising to see Grace West land in second place, but no surprise at all she came out on top in the last-ever Team Blake on Season 23 of The Voice.

From her classic country audition to her final performance as Blake Shelton’s last chance at the title, let’s look back at West’s performances, ranking them worst to best.

7. “I Told You So” by Randy Travis – Battles

From the second I saw this pairing in the Battles, I never thought these two were a good fit to compete against each other. Carlos Rising’s soft, sultry voice kills it in this song, but becomes outshined by West simply for her “piercing,” as coach Niall Horan called it, tone.

Don’t get me wrong, she’s not bad in the slightest, but something about this song doesn’t compliment her voice or natural twang.

6. “Here You Come Again” by Dolly Parton – Knockouts

Watching this back, I still remember the letdown I felt watching this performance. Such an iconic song, but not at all complimentary to West’s voice.

She nails the twang, and points for that dazzling outfit, but West had much better performances later into the competition that understandably led her to the Top 2.

5. “The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia” by Reba McEntire – Finale

This one was what I consider not finale material. It may be a song by country queen and future The Voice coach Reba McEntire, but it’s just doesn’t live up to what’s expected as a final song.

Again, nothing bad about it, but it’s also incredibly hard not to compare West to the song’s originator during this performance.

4. “She’s Got You” by Patsy Cline – Finale

It definitely sounds like West struggles in her deeper register, but that can be overlooked for those beautiful high notes that are mixed in.

It’s that final note of the bridge, however, where she’s definitely got me (see what I did there?).

3. “Til I Can’t Make It On My Own” by Tammy Wynette – Top 8

This was one of those times you don’t want to judge a book by its cover – or in this case, a song by its first few notes.

This was another one of those times West’s deeper register didn’t help her, but when it comes to those drawn out high notes, my gosh, she kills it. These high notes are where I think her voice truly shines.

2. “Maybe It Was Memphis” by Pam Tillis – Blind Audition

I swear this has got to be one of the most performed songs on this show, and usually by Team Blake members, no less, so it’s no surprise this was what snagged West a spot on Shelton’s final team.

This entire audition was special from start to finish, the most memorable from her in my opinion, and West’s voice perfectly performs this song.

1. “Love Is Alive” by The Judds – Playoffs

West really shines in country songs that have a little beat to them, which is why this one falls right beside “Maybe It Was Memphis” and in the number one spot.

She just exudes country star with songs like this. You can tell she’s never working for that twang, and honestly, this one reminded me more of Reba than the Reba cover.

About Ashley Amber 122 Articles
Ashley Amber is a 29-year-old writer, author and dancer. When Ashley isn't live-blogging shows like The Voice and Dancing With The Stars for MJ's Big Blog, she works as a writer for SoapHub and a contributor at The DIS, and previously published over 300 articles for Collider. Ashley has also authored a self-published fantasy/romance series of novelettes, and made her poetry debut in 2021's LGBTQIA+ anthology Deviant: Chronicles of Pride by InkFeathers Publishing. As a former pro ballroom dancer, when she's not writing, you can find Ashley on Youtube and TikTok where she posts dance videos featuring her own choreography and tutorials.