The Voice 25 Blind Audition: OK3 Turns 4 Chairs, Kicks Off a Battle

The Voice 25 OK3

The Voice 25 Blind Audition: The panel FIGHTS over vocal trio OK3

When the singing trio OK3 began harmonizing impeccably on a cutesy rendition of Meghan Trainor’s “Made You Look” as they kicked off their The Voice Blind Audition, double-chair coaches Dan + Shay, John Legend and Reba McEntire turned their chairs immediately. It took Chance the Rapper a minute, but he eventually hit his button as well, transforming the audition into a 4-chair turn.

OK3 is a pop singing trio from Oklahoma City made up of members Courtney Hooker, Sierra Posada, and Kenna Fields, all in their early 20s. The OK in OK3 represents their home state, Oklahoma.

With all four teams having turned their chairs, a real fight for the group ensued in a new preview clip from Monday’s premiere revealed.

John called the performance a “mini-concert” as the gals incorporated dance moves into their routine. The trio are not related, but met through their vocal coach, who is backstage to lend them support. John grew up arranging songs, and directed an award winning a cappella group in college, he tells them.

Dan + Shay have a natural advantage, being a vocal duo themselves. “That was my favorite performance that I’ve seen so far,” Shay remarked. “My heart is racing right now I want you guys so bad.” Dan said, pointing out that “John says he’s an award winning arranger…we’re an award winning group!”

All heck broke loose…before a cliffhanger

Eventually, all heck broke loose, including hijinks involving blow up balloons and Dan + Shay trying to block John after the fact.

Chance mentioned that he mentored a group a few seasons ago, (sister trio, Sorelle, who advanced to the finals). Reba pushed her mutual Oklahoma hometown roots. She pulled out her Grammy to brag. But the entire panel has won awards so…

The clip ended as Dan + Shay get the crowd to chant for them. It got pretty crazy. Who will OK3 choose? Here’s a little spoiler. The episode ended with the trio and a cliffhanger.

Speaking of this week’s episodes: The Voice 25 two part premiere airs Monday Feb. 26 and Tuesday Feb. 27 at 8 pm ET/PT on NBC and streaming on Peacock. BOTH episodes are only 90 minutes long! The Voice goes back to the usual 2 hour Monday/1 hour Tuesday episodes beginning next week.

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!