The Voice 9 Battle Rounds #3 – Live Blog and VIDEOS

The Voice 9 Recap Battle Rounds #3 -- Pictured: (l-r) Cassandra Robertson, Viktor Kiraly -- (Photo by: Tyler Golden/NBC)

The Voice 9 Recap Battle Rounds #3 – Live Blog VIDEOS

Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani and Pharrell Williams are joined by advisers, John Fogerty, Brad Paisley, Selena Gomez and Missy Elliott, respectively, as team members do battle for a spot in the upcoming Knockout Rounds. We’re live blogging here.

Click for Tonight’s Battle Round song spoilers.

Blaine Mitchell vs Blind Joe – Team Blake – “Old Time Rock and Roll” by Bob Seger  –  Download from iTunes

Rehearsal: Blaine is a former athlete who turned to music after he blew out his knee. Blind Joe was born premature, and blindness was a result. “You are two dudes who leave blood and guts on the stage,” says Blake, explaining why they were put together. Brad notes some pitchiness from Blaine. Blake advises Blind Joe on his phrasing. During the final rehearsal, Blake tells Blaine to rock out as he always does. Blind Joe will be seated, playing his lap guitar. Joe is stepping on Blaine’s lines–he can’t see visual cues. Brad is impressed with Joe’s guitar playing.

Performance:  These two are pretty evenly matched. Blind Joe is a little grittier. Blaine has a better tone. If you’re looking for  a singer who can really throw down–which is the thing Blake asked for–the winner is definitely Joe. They play off each other pretty well, considering they don’t know each other well. Pharrell was impressed with Blaine’s high note. Joe tells Pharrell he’s “looking good.”  A jokester. Pharrell loved Joe’s soulfulness. He wins, he says. Gwen points out Joe’s family. He joked that he’s not sure who she’s talking about. Adam loved how brawly and drunkenly fun the performance was. Adam compares Blaine to Michael Hutchence.  Blake asks to borrow Joe’s cane to wack him with! Blake calls the singing “a dead tie.” but Blind Joe wins the Battle and then Adam steals Blaine. Really? He’s a solid singer, but nothing special. Knockout Round fodder, I suppose.

Cassandra Robertson vs Viktor Kiraly – Team Adam – Nobody Knows by Tony Rich Project  –Download from iTunes

Rehearsal: Cassandra put her career on hold after she got pregnant.  Viktor moved back to Hungary at 16 when his mother became sick with cancer. He became a star in Eastern Europe. He’s back in America making a go of it.  John didn’t like the cheesy modulation. As a “rock guy” it ruined the song for him. They try the song without it. John compliments the harmony. Don’t hold back! Adam tells Viktor. Cassandra is swinging for the fences. The last rehearsal went really well. John compliments their polished performance. Adam adds a dramatic stop. He advises Cassandra NOT oversing. Adam suggests they not look at each other until the end of the performance–like new lovers becoming closer and closer.

Performance: Viktor is a really talented blue eyed soul singer. I’d be shocked if Adam let him go for a 48 year old female soul belter. Cassandra is very good, but doesn’t have the potential that Viktor does to attract voters. He’s easy on the eyes too. Unless Adam is looking for more cannon fodder, this is a really easy battle to decide. Blake felt like he was listening to a record. He loved Cassandra’s runs. Viktor found a way to stay equal with her. He would go with Viktor. “WOW HE KEPT UP!” isn’t a reason to hand over a Battle win. But that’s not really the reason. Pharrell notes Viktor is an anomaly, but Cassandra was so effortless. She’s magical. He’d give the battle to her. Gwen is also impressed that Viktor kept up (OY). Cassandra is meant to be on the stage, she says. Both are technically skilled, says Adam, and could not have performed better. But OF COURSE, Viktor wins the Battle. Viktor calls the moment bittersweet, because Cassandra is amazing. That’s very sweet of him to say.

Chase Kerby vs Korin Bukowski – Team Gwen – Samson by Regina Spektor – Download from iTunes

Rehearsal: Chase came to The Voice, hoping to make a career change. He works at his mom’s candy store, presently. Korin put pre-med on hold to give music a try. She comes from a family of smarties. “My brain is crying!” exclaims Korin when she’s introduced to Selena. Gwen picked an emotional song, for two emotional, sensitive singers. Selena thought Chase’s falsetto and his phrasing was interesting. Korin showed a softer, more tender  side of her vocal abilities. Gwen wants her to pull out that big voice she had in her audition . After the final rehearsal, Gwen and Selena had GOOSIES! Actually. She called them “double rainbow shivers.” Which is worse? Don’t shut your eyes so much, says Gwen. Korin thinks back to the hurt she experienced in high school when she sings the song. Gwen is impressed with Korin’s ability to move between hurt and vulnerability, and more shades of emotion.

Performance: This song is tailor made for Korin, Chase not so much. His voice is pretty and interesting, but he can’t match her dynamic range. She really steals the spotlight with her beautiful tone and phrasing. Her presence on stage can’t be denied.  Adam thinks Chase has a great voice. The transition to his falsetto was rough, though. He found Korin captivating, and complimented her ability to stay on pitch, yet change her voice. Blake thought Chase was nailing it. The song wasn’t in Chase’s wheelhouse, says Pharrell. Gwen is feeling mama bear about them both. Blake and Pharrell hide behind their chairs. Heh. “I’d die for that performance,” says Gwen. “It was so intense and awesome.” Korin wins the Battle. The correct decision. Not surprised.  Aw. Chase said he would be devastated if he lost the battle. It’s back to the candy store. Sads.

Evan McKeel vs Riley Biederer – Team Pharrell – “Higher Ground” by Stevie Wonder – Download from iTunes

Rehearsal: Evan got started singing in the church. He was a 4 chair turn.  He auditioned with an alt rock song, but then impressed the panel with some Stevie Wonder. Riley has been on You Tube since 15 years of age. She’s kind of a star there. Her performance of “Invincible” during the Blind Auditions was montaged.  Evan freaks out when he sees Missy. Initially, Riley was a little intimidated by Evan, who is very familiar with Stevie’s music. But once she began learning the song, she dug it. Evan was blown away by her power. Pharrell calls Evan a natural. He really doesn’t want to lose either. “Riley has the stank,” compliments Missy. But she thinks, at the moment, Evan might have an edge on her. At their final rehearsal, Riley confessed she didn’t want to battle Evan, initially. Both face challenges singing a difficult song. Pharrell tells them both, he regrets putting them together. He makes them promise to come back if they are eliminated.

Performance: Evan is a more polished performer. He’s got a nicer tone. But Riley has really cool phrasing and ad lib abilities. She’ll be real good in a few years. I’d probably pick Evan, though. He’s incredibly versatile, and brings maturity to the competition. I suspect he’s got a few surprises up his sleeve. Gwen calls Evan’s presence “magic.” Adam compliments Evan for puling off a difficult song. He’d choose Evan. Blake liked Evan’s “Risky Business” slide. Evan won the battle, but Riley’s voice is more unique, he says. Pharrell loved Riley’s choice of notes, but Evan’s range is stratospheric and has an insane ability to sing in the pocket, he says. No surprise. Evan wins the Battle.  Pharrell likes that he’s left of center. WHOOP! Gwen steals Riley!  Evan is thrilled. The two had grown close.

The producers are trying a little bit not to spoil the steals by moving them earlier in the night.

Braiden Sunshine vs Lyndsey Elm – Team Gwen – “No One is to Blame” by Howard Jones –Download from iTunes

Rehearsal: Braiden played in a band with childhood friends starting at age 9. Lyndsey left her job with her families pest control business to pursue music. Gwen put them together–she considers them both “interpreters.”  Fifteen year old Braiden is intimidated by Lyndsey.  Lyndsey is trying to blend a pop acoustic soul thing together. Gwen and Selena like her deeper tone. Selena calls Braiden a “powerhouse” already. Gwen notes he’s instinctual with his emotions. Both mention his “adorable” charisma. In the final rehearsal, Lyndsey shows Selena her brother took at a taping of Wizards of Waverly place. He got Selena to say hi to her. Ooo. he mic stands are taken away in order to work on stage presence. Braiden, in particular, is still nervous. Lyndsey has improved–she’s taken all of Gwen and Selena’s notes. Gwen demonstrates how to command the stage for Braiden. Selena suggests he pick one person out of the audience and sing to them.  Braiden is one of those youngsters who hasn’t baked all the way yet.

Performance: Least interesting battle of the night. How about sending them both home? I don’t have much more to say. No star power. I’ll be surprised if the survivor of this round lasts through the knockouts.  Adam compares the performance to a tennis match. Each had a moment, he says.  “Thank you Powder” says Blake, who must have drawn up a list of baldies in pop culture he can pull out at the right moment to mock Adam. Blake was impressed with Braiden’s one big note. But does that make a winner?  Braiden admits he was “sharp on the C,” which only makes him more appealing to the panel. Pharrell compliments Braiden’s interesting tone, but Lyndsey colored the song, beautifully, he says. Gwen loved Lyndsey’s tone and control, but Braiden’s high notes were mind blowing. Gwen has trouble deciding. But Braiden wins the Battle.  Gwen couldn’t resist Braiden’s adorable little mug. At one point he pled with her a little, and you could feel her melt. Braiden had this battle in the bag.

Andi & Alex vs Chance Pena – Team Adam – Wherever You Will Go by The Calling – Download from iTunes

Rehearsal. TWINSIES. Andi & Alex are about to be split up, because one is marrying….and they are auditioning for The Voice? Sixteen year old Chance was involved with his family fitness business, but singing is his passion. John calls Andi & Alex “little angels” and Chance very pure. The result is pristine, Adam and John agree. Adam suggests they listen to Lady Antebellum for harmony points. In the final rehearsal, they tweak the harmonies. Chance felt like the odd guy out paired with the twins. but the performance is being treated as a trio, with equal harmonies.

That thing I said earlier about not giving away steals…scratch that.

Performance: Well, we know the loser will be stolen. Anticlimactic. The girls have pretty harmonies, but they are a generic unit. Chance has some interesting stuff going on, vocally. He’s got a nice tone and a sweet, vulnerable way with phrasing. He’s got the potential to do really well in this competition. The trio sounds very pretty together. The audience eats it up. Blake calls the performance “magical.” He loves sibling harmony. He reminds the duo he hit his button for them.  He makes a joke about Chance’s sockless look, before adding that he is sorry he didn’t turn for him during the Blinds. He won the battle, says Blake. Pharrell compares the twins to unicorns. However, he feels Chance’s controlled vocal led the performance. O.M.G! squeals Gwen, unabashedly smitten. “The harmony is candy in my ear,” she says. Gwen wants to be fifteen. She’d have his posters in her locker. OK. Verging on creepy.  Adam thinks they were ALL SO GOOD. He thinks the three should actually form a group.  Andi & Alex win the Battle. Huh. I’m surprised, to be honest. He could not deny the twins “ethereal” sound. That’s why he picked them. Who steals Chance? Blake Shelton steals Chance. Now, in my head, I had that happening the other way around.  Blake vows to buy Chance some socks.

Pharrell has a final steal! Look forward to 3 new performances and a montage as the Blind Auditions wind up tomorrow night at 9/8c PM.

Advancing to the Knockouts

Blaine Mitchell – Team Blake
Blind Joe – Team Blake – Stolen by Team Adam
Viktor Karali – Team Adam
Korin Bukowski – Team Gwen
Braiden Sunshine – Team Gwen
Evan McKeel – Team Pharrell
Riley Biederer – Team Pharrell – Stolen by Team Gwen
Andi & Alex – Team Adam
Chance Pena – Team Adam – Stolen by Team Blake


Cassandra Robertson – Team Adam
Chase Kerby – Team Gwen
Lyndsey Elm – Team Gwen

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!