The Voice 9 – Viktor Király and Jordan Smith Knockout
Coach Adam Levine pairs up two of his strongest singers, hunky Hungarian pop star, Viktor Király, against the big voiced belter with an amazing range, Jordan Smith.
If there’s not a steal involved here somewhere, I’m going to be a little annoyed. With the amount of outright pimping Jordan has recieved throughout the competition so far, it’s hard to imagine Adam not holding on to him (Pssst. Jordan has a lovely voice, but Victor, has a more varied instrument).
Jordan is up first with a rendition of Adele’s “Set Fire to the Rain,” which gives the singer an opportunity to show off those amazing pipes. Viktor displays his soulful, sexy chops on a cover of Alicia Keys “If I Ain’t Got You.”
The Knockout round will whittle the field of The Voice contestants from 32 to 20, ahead of the live semi-final round, which begins in two weeks. Pop superstar, Rihanna will serve as Key Advisor to Adam Levine, and the rest of the coaches, Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani and Pharrell Williams.
Watch Viktor Király and Jordan Smith battle it out for a spot in the semi-finals.