The Voice Season 14 First Look: New Twist The Block Explained (VIDEO) (UPDATED)

The Voice season 14 is just around the corner, and in a new first look promo, the NEW Blind Audition twist, The Block is explained.

Coaches Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Alicia Keys and Kelly Clarkson now have the ability to block another coach from nabbing a contestant during the Blind Auditions.

“The Block gives you the opportunity to block the coach that you don’t want to take whatever artist you want to get,” explains Alicia in the clip. “A block for Blake is a victory for me!” crows Adam after he dashes his nemesis’ chances of securing a singer.

But it’s not only Blake who is blocked, but the contestant as well. If a singer gets multiple turns THEY get to choose their coach. But not if a coach uses their block. For instance, consider this scenario. What if a talented country artist is all set to pick Blake if he turns. For any country artist, Blake is the smart choice, right? But then, in barrels Adam with his blocking ability, basically thwarting the will of the contestant. The Block is just one more way to take the focus off of the singers, and back onto the coaches.

It’s not explained in the clip, but I imagine this ability to block is not unlimited? Or at least one hope’s it isn’t. UPDATED: Each coach gets ONE block.

Here’s what the coaches’ button layout looks like now.

And for our first true glimpse of a The Voice season 14 contestant, the clip ends with this bluesy belter getting the coaches up on their feet.

The Voice season 14 premieres Monday February 26/ Watch the first look video below.

UPDATE: Yahoo Music has more information about the brand new chairs. They’re super space age! The old chairs are heading to Vegas for The Voice Neon Dreams residency at the Hard Rock.

About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!