A lot of people could argue that every member of the final five could’ve been in the bottom two tonight, but for three of them. I knew it wasn’t going to happen. Two acts needed to pull something extraordinary out of the bag to avoid the bottom two. And the fact is they did not. So this bottom two shouldn’t be truly shocking to anyone.
I am really glad that Jiordan Tolli finally did a Lana Del Rey song like I’ve been telling her for weeks. And honestly she sounded great on it. Jiordan’s voice is best when the song is a bit slower and it is a bit haunting. I loved her commitment to the song. Makes me wish she had done something like this sooner. In another valiant bottom two showdown, THIRD D3GREE did awesome on “Thrift Shop.” If these were the performances we saw last night, instead of the ones we did see, who knows Jai or Taylor could be in the bottom 2 instead. Yeah, probably not, but maybe. The judges decision to go to deadlock in my mind sells short the body of work that THIRD D3GREE did. Because Jiordan hasn’t been doing all that awesome for a while, and 3D only had a major misstep with “Smooth Criminal” and “Battle Scars.” But ultimately the viewing public got it right and 3D stayed to fight one more time against the unstoppable force that is the final 3 of Jai/Taylor/Dami. THIRD D3GREE you need to take the biggest chance you have ever taken because you are supposed to be the ones out next week. Fight like your entire career is on the line. Natalie please in your finite wisdom please pick them a great song. I want a ballad and I want something fun. Got to be careful though.
Thanks for reading.