X Factor UK 2015 Week 4 – Ranking the Top 7


X Factor UK 2015 Week 4 – Ranking the Top 7

This week on The X Factor was pretty good overall. Despite Seann’s absence we had the best performance show of the season. Yet we got another disappointing result. Unlike last week, however, it doesn’t matter as much. Monica Michael, despite being super nice in person and having a great vocal on the result show, was a mid packer and while I’ll miss her, it’s not a devastating loss.

Let’s not say anything about Max “WGWGANP” (ANP=and no personality) Stone, as he should have gone last week. The one surprise this week was that Mason escaped the bottom 3, but will he survive next week? Spoiler alert: he won’t. So on to my power list. Keep in mind this is ordered by my predictions about who will make it. After my thoughts on each contestant, this week I will also say where I want each contestant to fall in the pecking order. And as usual, at the bottom of this post are my personal favorite performances of the week.

  1. Louisa Johnson – This week, Louisa gave another brilliant vocal, in my opinion. She got a choir, strong praise from the judges, and she even cried. Some people in the comments said that Lauren was better this week, but honestly I don’t think it matters. This show is Louisa’s to lose. And as some leaks have suggested, she’s getting signed no matter what. Louisa is a star, and I think she would be an amazing, worthy winner. I want Louisa in first place
  2. 4th Impact – Shakeup! After two weeks of mediocre performances from these girls, this week they stole the show for me. Vocally on point (finally), dance moves were great as usual, and all of this while one of the girls was about to pass out. They just shot themselves back into the finale in my book. But if they go back to being mediocre, I reserve the right to move them back down. I want them in third place.
  3. Che Chesterman – Che gave the vocal of the night. Easily. But the two acts above him on this list are more marketable than he is. And I can see a bussing in his future in two weeks. The producers don’t want him to win because his style is too old. Having said all of that, I love Che, and I would buy his music. I want Che in second place.
  4. Lauren Murray – This week, Lauren was amazing. As she was last week. She is super likable and sang two current songs – very important for her, as she can’t seem old fashioned if she wants to go far. She isn’t the chosen girl though. If Che gets bussed sooner than expected or 4th Impact slip up, she could make the finale. I want Lauren in fourth place.
  5. Reggie ’n’ Bollie – Despite another awful vocal, they still got praise. They are fun, but they aren’t talented enough to still be here in my book. But seeing how things are going, I can’t see them going home just yet. Having said all of that, they won’t make the finale. If they are extremely lucky they could break into the semi-final. But that’s as far as they are going. I want them in 13th place, but it’s too late for that, so I want them in 7th.
  6. Mason Noise – Dead man walking survived again! And-shocker-he deserved to stay this week. Not by a lot, but I think last week Anton, Reggie ’n’ Bollie, and Max were all worse than he was. Mason’s vocals are weak but he danced to get away with that last week. Having said all of that, I think this week he is a goner. Possibly. If there is a double elimination, Mason will probably go first as I think he will get the lowest number of votes. But if there isn’t, Anton will be the one eliminated act as they would save Mason over Anton any day. I want Mason in 6th place.
  7. Anton Stephans – The bussing clearly worked as he was in the bottom this week. So now I don’t need to worry about Christopher Maloney 2.0. Anton delivered a relatively competent vocal this week, but it wasn’t stellar by any stretch. And when you sing I Have Nothing, it has to be stellar. Anton isn’t a good enough singer to make up for his lack of marketability. So unless a miracle happens, Anton is going next week. I want Anton in 5th place.

My personal favorite performances of the week:

  1. 4th Impact
  2. Louisa Johnson
  3. Che Chesterman
  4. Lauren Murray
  5. Monica Michael
  6. Mason Noise
  7. Anton Stephans
  8. Max Stone
  9. Reggie ’n’ Bollie

About Eric Ascher 106 Articles
I cover X Factor UK for Mjsbigblog. I love writing about any show that could help me find an entertainer to follow in the real world. I watch these shows obsessively and love keeping up with amazing talent.